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Art Of Pickup Books 

Revelation by Venusian Arts
This e-book can be bought as either a stand alone e-book, or with additional DVD's of the Revelation seminar and CD's titled 'Inside Mystery's Brain.'The e-book is enourmous. It comes in at 12 chapters and about 300 pages. This thing covers every topic you could possibly imagine when it comes to... >>More<<
No More Mr Nice Guy by Robert Glover
This controversial e-book phenomenon became a best-seller and landed its author, a certified marriage and family therapist, on The O'Reilly Factor and the Rush Limbaugh radio show. Dr. Robert Glover has devoted his career as a psychotherapist to freeing men from what he was dubbed the "Nice Guy... >>More<<
Rules Of David X by David X
Follow this rules and you'll never need to question what to do next or whether what you are doing is right for the PU. What he talked about didn't include things like Cialdini principals of social proof or examples of group-set tactics that guys like Mystery like to use (although these things will... >>More<<
Be Relentless by David X
You are MINUTES AWAY from getting your hands on the very last e-book you will ever need to get your love life handled... once and for all. You are NOT here by accident. Something inside of you compelled you to visit this page because you are man who wishes to learn honesty, trust and respect. Let... >>More<<
The Way Of The Superior Man by David Deida
A Spiritual Guide to Mastering the Challenges of Women, Work, and Sexual Desire. The Ultimate Spiritual Guide for Men. What is your true purpose in life? What do women really want? What makes a good lover? If you're a man reading this, you've undoubtedly asked yourself these questions-but you may... >>More<<
How To Get Her To Take Her Clothes Off by Chris Jackson
In this special Bonus Report, you will learn some of my best secrets for getting your date to want to remove her clothes when you're making out. After all, persuasion is really about getting another person to want to do what you want them to do. Before we begin, let me also stress what this report... >>More<<
More Than Friends How To Turn Your Female Friend Into Your Girlfriend by Steve Scott
Steve Scott(Flitr Mastery) - More Than Friends How to Turn Your Female Friend Into Your Girlfriend. I really like this one do I get her? This is a question I always seem to get from my newsletter subscribers. So that's why I've decided to create a special report that focuses on helping... >>More<<
How To Be A Lady Killer by Ann May
How To Be a Lady Killer is written by a dating expert and beauty salon owner Ann May. During her years in the beauty salon, Ann has listened to thousands of women sharing their thoughts and wishes on relationship. She has found out that deep down all women want the same from a relationship. In... >>More<<
The Ten Laws Of Being A Man by Dr Paul
How to Instantly Overcome the Ten Pitfalls of Masculine Life, & Master the Ten Skills That Are Yours Forever When You Do.A very long time ago I realized that being a man was not going to be something that would just happen to me as I passively wait. As a boy, I thought that if I simply worked hard... >>More<<
Black Op And Psy Op Cia Tactics For Getting Women by Gary Brodsky
These techniques are the real deal, frightening, powerful. Effective. Used and field tested by every intelligence agency world wide, this material cannot be found anywhere else. And They WORK! For anyone who knows how to apply them- this book is full of easy and amazing techniques that always work.... >>More<<
How To Get Her Chasing You by Real Social Dynamics
Sometimes an extremely hot woman so lives in the frame that SHE is the chooser that, even if you do everything else RIGHT and have social proof from other girls, she still won't actively chase you.Even if you touch her, have great conversations with her, and she sees you with other hot girls, in... >>More<<
Sexual Chemistry by Julius Fast
Research psychologists in the United States and Germany have established that there is a sound biological basis for the phenomenon of sexual chemistry. When we are sexually aroused, or when we meet someone who interests us intensely, when we experience that moment of understanding, our sympathetic... >>More<<
How To Get Woman Laid In A Day Or Less by Rob J
Before we can learn to get laid in one day or less.... we must first understand women. Completely understand women. What makes them tick. How they think, why they think the way they do. Women may not seem to think or operate logically, but they DO operate predictably! That's the key. There are... >>More<<
The Gentleman Toolbox 101 Fun Things To Do While You Socialize With Women by Dr Paul
When I started this book, I realized that it might end up full of adolescent fun, and it IS. Yet on a closer look, you are going to see that SCIENCE is at the root of every exercise. There is a reason that the following techniques of social play are effective at charging up any night out on the... >>More<<
Getting Laid In Nyc Technology For The Single Man by Paul Janka
The idea for this book has been on my mind for some time, and grew directly out of my experience hustling in New York. I wouldn't call my game dating, really, because often I just have a single goal. I often meet women I like, and it may develop into something akin to dating, but I still (at 30)... >>More<<
Make Women Laugh by Martin Merill
Perhaps you feel overwhelmed with all the thousands of jokes out there, most of them being not funny and lame. How, you wonder, can you sift through all those junks to obtain the good stuff to make women laugh? The truth is... there are only a few jokes in the entire world. What I mean is that... >>More<<
The Art Of Approaching Stylelife Edition by Joseph Matthews
Joseph MAtthews has made the first step in meeting women a very simple and easy process. With the most Covert "Openings" that allow you to succeed even if you've never even said hello to a woman before. If you want to have and unfair advantage at picking up Any Woman you desire without rejection,... >>More<<
6 Secrets Of The Irresistible Man by Adam Gilad
TABLE OF CONTENTS - Strengthen Your Inner Voice - Scot McKay - Structure Your Social Life - Christian Hudson - Refine And Approach Your Dating Skills - Carlos Xuma - Learn New Sexual Skills - Alex Allman - Deepen Your Understanding Of Women - Vin Dicarlo - Hone Your Body For Vitality - Jon... >>More<<
How To Get Her To Make The First Move by Chris Jackson
In this report, you're going to learn an easy way to overcome shyness when it comes to making out with a woman. You're going to learn how to get your date to make the first move. But what does that mean... making the first move. For our purposes here, we'll define it as... Getting her to initiate... >>More<<
Supreme Confidence With Women by Steve Scott
Steve Scott (The Modern Man) - Supreme Confidence With Woman. This was a way to say "Thank You", I wanted to offer the following unadvertised bonus. Called 'Supreme Confidence with Women', this book explores how YOUR MIND affects your overall success with women. If you're confident (and act... >>More<<
Kama Sutra Plaisirs Et Positions Amoureuses In French by Clara Morgane
Cet ouvrage propose une vision resolument moderne de l'un des plus grands textes de l'humanite : le Kama Sutra. De la preparation jusqu'a l'acte d'amour, sans oublier l'importance des preliminaires et des enlacements erotiques, ce livre d'art somptueusement illustre vous permettra de faire vos... >>More<<
Photo Reading by Paul Scheele
The PhotoReading Whole Mind System. Read this Book in 25 Minutes! This book is uniquely designed so that you can easily read it in whatever amount of time you can commit right now. 25 Minutes (Level 1) - Get the gist of this book in just 25 minutes. First, page through the entire book and read the... >>More<<
The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale
The inspiration for the message itself pulled Nightingale out of a deep sleep in the early hours of the morning. He immediately woke up, went to his desk, and typed it out, then recorded it that very day. When it was played for his staff, they were astounded by what they heard. Word of the... >>More<<
Any Woman Anywhere by Kevin Bates
How To Make This Book Transform Your Success With Women. Tons of work has gone into creating and marketing what you are about to read. This book was developed to be the most effective tool on the planet to teach you the ability to approach any woman, anywhere, and in many cases have your next... >>More<<
Advanced Macking by Anthony Berger
If you would like to be regularly meeting and dating new women, this book is for you. Designed for the non-player, it sets out one simple strategy and several tactics to catalyse your love life. Advanced Macking contains hundreds of tips and tricks for every occasion, from how to make them excited... >>More<<
The Easy Horny Women by Anthony Berger
Recently I have been discovering a new market that like one-night stands even more than the chicks I used to work on. This market is called: "Older women"! And, just to clarify, I mean women between the ages of 35 and 45. This is a great market: The psychological and biological changes happening in... >>More<<
Without Embarrassment by Michael Pilinski
Are you socially withdrawn? Is "nerd" how you would describe yourself? Can you remember a horrible, mocking, humiliating event in your past that still haunts you to this day? See it as vividly as when it first happened? (Oh, I can remember a few of them!) What kind of pain does it take to control... >>More<<
Sexual Survey Results From Over 100 Women by Greatlover
The questions and answers you are about to read came from our women survey at We used in this document the most complete and best quality responses that we received from our survey. We also took the ones the were the most representative of all the responses that we... >>More<<
The Boyfriend Is Not An Obstacle by Joseph Matthews
It's happened to every guy at one point in his life. You meet a girl, and she's fantastic. In fact, you've been searching your whole life for that one special girl to come along, and this is it! Your heart secretly rejoices. But then, you hear those four dreaded words... "I have a... >>More<<
Lustpower by Cr James
I wanted to recommend a high-quality sex book to my friends, customers and subscribers. As you can imagine, some books were great, some were ok, and some were bad. One book was so horrible that it was too painful to finish. I told myself that I would make sure I got through all of them. That didn't... >>More<<
Charm School by Joseph Matthews
How To Use Your Personality To Win The Heart Of Any Woman. This book is first and foremost a tutorial on charm - that quality that has made leading ladies swoon for generations, and has made their leading men not only sex symbols, but icons.A good portion of the book will deal with humor. It will... >>More<<
The Art And Science Of Personal Magnetism by Theron Dumont
The Art and Science of Personal Magnetism is a work from the New Thought movement by author Theron Q Dumont. Dumont, as one of the top thinkers of New Thought, wrote this work to help individuals to successfully use their mental abilities to further develop a powerful personality and radiate a... >>More<<
Total Self Confidence by Dr Robert Antony
Now you can join the thousands of successful people who have mastered the principles of Total Self-Confidence. Dr. Robert Anthony reveals the formulas he has taught in seminars and workshops which have worked so well. Now they can work for you! You will learn: ?How to contact your creative... >>More<<
How To Get Chicks Keep Em Dump Em And Get Em Back Again by Sanders Troy
The Claim: Sanders Troy (who is proud to suffix his title with MBA for some pointless reason) attempts to, in roughly 40 pages, explain how to pick up women in the standard format- giving short little quips (like "Chase the Antelope, settle for the Rabbit") and bragging about his own abilities to... >>More<<
Women Tell You How To Meet Women by Jon Jensen
You always wanted to be a spy, right? Finding out the top-secret information, the stuff that's really, really valuable, the stuff that will make all the difference. Then bring back that top secret information and use it to win the war. That's what this book is. It's the top secret information... >>More<<
Using The Cube The Pickup Artists Secret Weapon by Daniel Johnson
This ebook is another in the series of "Real-World" No B.S. Instructional products and workshops PickUp 101 provides you for dating, relationships, and maximum success with women.Almost every weekend, my professional team of instructors and I are out in bars, supermarkets, and cafe's perfecting and... >>More<<
Daytime Pick Up Revealed by Oliver Turner
There are two things that are directly correlated to your success. You need the right information and the ability to put that information into practice.I will spoon feed you with knowledge on daytime pick-up but that won't be enough. You need to go out there and practice the things you learn. It's... >>More<<
100 Words To Make You Sound Smart.mp3 by C Kellogg
100 Words To Make You Sound Smart Audio Book. The newest title in the popular 100 Words series is an informative and entertaining resource that can help anyone be right on the money when looking for words that will make a point, seal the deal, or just keep folks listening. Chosen by the editors of... >>More<<
Personal Magnetism by Charles Theron
If You Are The Type Of Person That's Ready to Join The Ranks Of The Powerful And The Ellite... Finally Have What You Rightfully Deserve... This Newly Discovered Scripture Dating Back To The 1890's Will Clearly Outline A Simple Way To Make That D.R.E.A.M Come True..."How To Become A Model Of... >>More<<
Banging Women From First Meeting To Getting Them Into Bed by Alphahot1
Alphahot1 newsgroup: posts archive. alphahot1 aka Luk Skywalker 31 year pickup artist from Roma, Italy. >>More<<
The Coded Personality How To Know Everything About Another Person by Sebastian Elmor
"The Coded Personality: How to Know Everything About Another Person From The Categories They Place Themselves In" by Sebastian Elmor. The methods I start off with are what is known as face reading. The theory behind it is that the face holds the keys to the personality. I don't care what the theory... >>More<<
Break Out Of The Friends Zone by Joseph Matthews
It happens all too often.You meet a girl, and she's amazing! She's beautiful, smart, funny, exciting, and you're in love. But for whatever reason, she just doesn't feel the same way about YOU! Oh sure, she likes you well enough. After all, you're a great guy. But she just doesn't see you "that... >>More<<
Generation Slut by Marty Beckerman
S.L.U.T. is Beckerman's acronym for Sexually Liberated Urban Teens, and in this outrageous, chilling blend of fact and fiction, the 20-year-old author characterizes his view of his generation: hypersexual, emotionally vacant, and disturbingly tolerant of abuse. Beckerman sets his story in a... >>More<<
Getting Women by Dr Dennis Neder
There's one big mistake that all the so called "Pick-up Chicks" books seem to make. That is, THEY DON'T TELL YOU HOW TO HAVE THE CONFIDENCE AND POWER TO ACTUALLY GO OUT AND USE ALL THEIR GREAT "SEDUCTION" SUGGESTIONS. This is a CRITICAL mistake. Great advice does you no good at all if you can't... >>More<<
Thrusting by Cr James
Super Sex Power: EMOTIONAL POWER THRUSTING. This can also double as a secret formula to Amazing Sex. You'll see what I mean. If you haven't read The HATE/LOVE Swing (one of the Super Bonuses), I suggest you read it first (again) because that report is the introduction to this concept. - CR James >>More<<
How To Get Into Threesomes by Anthony Berger
Threesomes can be tricky, Very tricky. Do it wrong and it can jeopardize your relationship with a girl. Do it right and you can experience something only 2% of men have ever had the joy of experiencing. Threesomes don't come around often. Given that you need a girl that is willing to swing with... >>More<<
5 Common Mistakes Men Make While Approaching Woman by Real Man
lot of men can be intimidated when approaching women. This makes men very nervous when the are approaching women. The result is that they make errors that make them unattractive to women. Lack of confidence is the most common cause of these mistakes. Being aware of these mistakes is important to... >>More<<
The Don Juan Book by Hill Nicholas
The Don Juan Book by Nicholas Hill. This book will not surpass 50 pages, and will be updated from time to time. Only the best of the best articles make into this book. Every word is written by a member of Edited for correctness by Nicholas Hill. >>More<<
How To Act Like A Ceo by Debra Benton
How To Act Like A CEO. 10 Rules for Getting to the Top and Staying There. In the follow-up to her bestselling How to Think Like a CEO, #1 executive coach Debra Benton's work with top-level executives from AT&T, Colgate, Pepsi, Mobil Oil, N abisco, and American Express, and her interviews with 100... >>More<<
Men Secrets by Cr James
Top Secret. Let's dive in. The overall objective is to get more out of life, right? And since sex is good - getting your share of sex means that you are satisfied and happy with your sex life. Always keep the bottom line objective in mind. Doing fun, little sneaky things that will sexually inspire... >>More<<
Perceptions by Cr James
Sexual Perceptions, Discover the Importance of Making Her Think, That You Are Sexually Desirable, Let's dive into this stuff right now! If you want to get the Sexual Perception - download this article! - CR James >>More<<
Newsletter Vol 1 by Badboy Lifestyle
This newsletter is offered as a free service by Badboy Lifestyle and no purchase is necessary. Badboy Lifestyle crew teaching guys how to approach and seduce girls in clubs and bars. I know the dude personally. He has a bad limp on the left side and a huge scar on his head from an operation on a... >>More<<
The Magic Of Kino And Why It Works by Alphahot1
Alphahot1 newsgroup: posts archive. alphahot1 aka Luk Skywalker 31 year pickup artist from Roma, Italy. >>More<<
Light Her Fire by Masterclass
You Are About To Open Pandora's Box! I Sincerely Hope You Can Handle Her! The techniques in this e-book are some of the most powerful and (in some cases) addicting pleasure producing technologies that exist. I have used the methods contained in this book for years to "sexually condition women with... >>More<<
The Flow by Dan Bacon
The Flow: The Revolutionary 4-Step Process For Confidently Approaching Women & Getting Dates. Question: How Can You Achieve Maximum Success With Women & Dating in Minimum Time? Answer: By learning from a proven expert who will show you all of the shortcuts. Do you really want to waste another day... >>More<<
Guy Gets Girl by Woody Wilcox
Woody Wilcox author, nor the publisher of "Guy Gets Girl-2," are in any way responsible for any use, misuse or abuse of information contained within this book. Only YOU can take the necessary responsibility for your own actions! How you chose to use the powerful information which you read within... >>More<<
The Secrets Of Female Sexuality by David Shade
The information in this program is for entertainment purposes only. It is not to be taken as legal or medical or personal advice. You assume full responsibility for the consequences of your own decisions and actions. David Shade Corporation will not be held liable in any manner whatsoever stemming... >>More<<
How To Meet Beautiful Women by Peter Latourette
The material in this guide has been designed to provide you with the competitive edge you need to be successful in meeting, dating, and having meaningful relationships with beautiful women.I am sure that you are well aware of the fierce competition that we routinely encounter in our daily lives. We... >>More<<
How To Pick Up Women 2000 by Jackson Almor
INSIDER TIPS, TACTICS, AND TECHNIQUES IN THE ARTS OF SEDUCTION, CHARISMA, AND ATTRACTION FOR THE YEAR 2000 TWO YEARS OF RESEARCH, a series of sharp and in-depth articles, exposure to over seven million people world wide, and this project has finally come to a climax. HOW TO PICK UP WOMEN 2000 is... >>More<<
How To Meet Beautiful Woman by Peter Latourette
Gentlemen, welcome to the jungle. I am sure that you are well aware of the fierce competition that we routinely encounter in our daily lives. We have to compete for jobs, social status, and yes WOMEN. This is a fundamental reality that will not change anytime soon.The material in this guide has... >>More<<
Don Juan Boot Camp by Nicholas Hill
Well, guys, it has been a few years since the first version of this document! Since then, many people have started and continued the tradition of starting boot camps all over the world. I have found and corrected several spelling mistakes, but more importantly, every link to source material should... >>More<<
Advanced Macking Audios.mp3 by Anthony Berger
Anthony Berger - Advanced Macking Audio Course. If you would like to be regularly meeting and dating new women, this book is for you. Designed for the non-player, it sets out one simple strategy and several tactics to catalyse your love life. Advanced Macking contains hundreds of tips and tricks... >>More<<
How To Develop Inner Confidence Esteem And Emprowerment by Asoka Selvarajan
How To Develop Inner Confidence, Esteem & Empowerment Overcoming Inner Roadblocks To Attain The Life You Dream Of By Asoka Selvarajah, Ph.D. It is self-confidence that distinguishes the extraordinary people from the ordinary. Indeed, self-esteem and self-confidence are key skills, without which all... >>More<<
7 Simple Steps To A Better Body by Sean Nalewanyj
Are you happy? I mean really happy with the way you look and feel? Are you happy with the amount of attention you get from women? Are you that guy with all the self-confidence in the world? Are you the one everyone looks at and says... "WOW?" Do the beautiful women you meet want to be with you? Do... >>More<<
The Kama Sutra by Vatsyayana
The Kama Sutra is an ancient Indian Hindu text widely considered to be the standard work on human sexual behavior in Sanskrit literature written by Mallanaga Vatsyayana. A portion of the work consists of practical advice on sexual intercourse. The Kama Sutra is largely in prose, with many inserted... >>More<<
Beautiful Women Prefer Nerds by Ross Quigley
"Beautiful Women Prefer Nerds! A Real Man's Guide on How to Find, Date, and Romance the Perfect Woman" by ROSS QUIGLEY is a step-by-step men's textbook for beginners on how to find and attract the Perfect Woman or Dream Girl. Beginning with a diagnostic test, the book explains dating, falling in... >>More<<
The Nice Factor The Art Of Saying No by Ellen Grzyb
In this book we aren't interested in turning you from a nice person into a nasty one. On occasion you do that yourself and you know it's not very pleasant. We will be using the terms 'not nice' and 'not nasty' to describe what we see as the middle ground of behaviour, where you have a choice in how... >>More<<
Amsterdam Seminar Notes by Real Social Dynamics
Here's a micro review of RSD: - Teaches you how to be cool - Teaches you social skills you may lack - Pushes you into lots of sets - Some incredible instructors (ie Geoff, 26) - Different instructor styles appeal to difference people - Very high-intensity seminars, very intense,... >>More<<
Modern Coin Magic by Jean Bobo
THE purpose of this volume is to present to the magical fraternity a complete treatise on sleight of hand coin conjuring. Little has been written on the subject, and much of that is scattered throughout dozens of books and magazines. Because of this, it has been difficult for the student to obtain... >>More<<
Bring It by Tony Horton
PLEASE NOTE: this is not full Tony Horton P90X Workout Program DVD set, this is only downloadable PDF eBook from it.One of the most recognizable figures in the fitness world, Tony Horton is best known as the creator of P90X, a muscle-building, fat-shredding workout that has sold more than 20... >>More<<
Articles by Anthony Berger
Which one can be hit on and which one not? The first thing to check out before making your move, way before you plan an approach strategy, is to see if she is married. Check her left hand, on the finger next to the pinky. If there is a ring, and it isn't a college ring or part of a zillion other... >>More<<
Friends by Cr James
How To Quickly Turn Platonic Friends into Lovers Using The New 5-Step Jealousy Technique. I'm going to get straight to the point. If you want to exit the platonic zone, you need to focus on two things. Number one, it can be done. And number two, you must make her jealous. Making a woman jealous is... >>More<<
The Sexual Key V1 by Jd Fuentes
Women, much more so than men, can be emotionally touched and sexually aroused by language. "Sexual Key: How to Attract and Arouse a Woman in Minutes, using Words Alone" explains the simple and easy step-by-step process of using language to bond with and arouse a woman in the course of a single... >>More<<
Supreme Personality Fun In Living by Delmer Eugene Croft
If you are not grander and handsomer at eighty than at eighteen, your spiritual, mental and physical cash register has been out of working order more than fifty years. >>More<<
Newsletter Vol 2 by Badboy Lifestyle
This newsletter is offered as a free service by Badboy Lifestyle and no purchase is necessary. Badboy Lifestyle crew teaching guys how to approach and seduce girls in clubs and bars. I know the dude personally. He has a bad limp on the left side and a huge scar on his head from an operation on a... >>More<<
How To Work The Personals by Stylelife Academy
The recent "reality" television series How to Get the Guy told attractive participants to visit online personals services to find the man of their dreams. Once thought of as the last resort for the desperate, the stigma of online dating is now officially gone. Even rock stars seem to be hooking up... >>More<<
Stop Procrastination Now by C Kellogg
Stop Procrastination NOW! "The Procrastinator's Essential Guide to Reclaiming your life by conquering the worst time-stealing attitude"It is a good thing that you have decided to deal with Procrastination by reading this book. (Of course if you have procrastinated, you won't be reading this in the... >>More<<
Newsletter Vol 4 by Badboy Lifestyle
This newsletter is offered as a free service by Badboy Lifestyle and no purchase is necessary. Badboy Lifestyle crew teaching guys how to approach and seduce girls in clubs and bars. I know the dude personally. He has a bad limp on the left side and a huge scar on his head from an operation on a... >>More<<
Newsletter Vol 3 by Badboy Lifestyle
This newsletter is offered as a free service by Badboy Lifestyle and no purchase is necessary. Badboy Lifestyle crew teaching guys how to approach and seduce girls in clubs and bars. I know the dude personally. He has a bad limp on the left side and a huge scar on his head from an operation on a... >>More<<
16 Common Mistakes Single Men Make by Sylvester Onyemalechi
Many men make mistakes in their relationships before marriage. Some of these relationships end up in a successful marriage, some end before they have a chance to tie the knot. So many men have to date so many women before being able to get married. Some enjoy messing around with women. This ought... >>More<<
The Free Drink Phenomenon by Alexander Chase
This Powerful PDF report is brought to you by, where you'll learn how to supercharge your social value skills using Alex Chase's Insider Secrets to improve and maximize your nightlife experiences.By reading and putting into action EVERYTHING taught in this powerful report, you... >>More<<
Wing Well by Stylelife Academy
In a flying formation, the aircraft beside and behind the leader is designated the "wingman". Similar to an aviation setting, a good social wingman serves to help and support the interaction setup by the leader. Being aware of and following proper winging rules will allow you to get the most out of... >>More<<
The Sexual Question by August Forel
This book is the fruit of long experience and reflection. It has two fundamental ideas--the study of nature, and the study of the psychology of man in health and in disease. To harmonize the aspirations of human nature and the data of the sociology of the different human races and the different... >>More<<
Hey Do You Want Women To Pick You Up Gift Wrap Technique by Alphahot1
Alphahot1 newsgroup: posts archive. alphahot1 aka Luk Skywalker 31 year pickup artist from Roma, Italy. >>More<<
Focus Directing Questions by J Siverthorn
Focus Group is a small group selected from a wider population and sampled, as by open discussion, for its members' opinions about or emotional response to a particular subject or area, used especially in market research or political analysis. Traditionally, focus groups have been used by makers of... >>More<<
Eye Contact Theory by David Shade
From the archives at Maniac High's Seduction Website. David Shade writes about Eye Contact Theory. I've been reading the many helpful posts by all the experienced players. I was wondering how the experts utilize eye contact. Do you guys when you first see a girl you like try to establish eye... >>More<<
How To Meet Women On Twitter by Scot Mckay
Twiduction(How to Meet Women on Twitter) is your complete guide to meeting MOTOS (Members Of The Opposite Sex) on the hot social networking site. Twitter itself is still a relatively new social networking platform on the Internet, so Twiduction is also, at least in part, a somewhat of a Twitter... >>More<<
Newsletter Vol 7 by Badboy Lifestyle
This newsletter is offered as a free service by Badboy Lifestyle and no purchase is necessary. Badboy Lifestyle crew teaching guys how to approach and seduce girls in clubs and bars. I know the dude personally. He has a bad limp on the left side and a huge scar on his head from an operation on a... >>More<<
Living As The Center Of Attention by Mffff
Before you read this story, please be forewarned of a few things. Firstly, this story takes it's time unfolding. I don't particularly enjoy reading coarse stories about coarse people doing coarse things. Secondly, the length of the chapters may vary greatly from chapter to chapter since I tended up... >>More<<
How To Drink For Free by Anthony Berger
You can drink for free in any city anytime of the year. Instead of spending money at bars and lounges, you can apply these simple techniques and have access to great parties and save lots of cash. Sounds too good to be true? Well check this out... - Antony Berger >>More<<
9 Sure Fire Steps To A Solid Day 2 Close by Daniel Johnson
It seems that a common sticking point for a lot of guys is that they get talking to a girl, things are going well, they like her, and then they just say goodbye. Or other times, they get her number, or even set up a date, but the girl never shows up, and nothing ever happens.Fake numbers, flakes,... >>More<<
Newsletter Vol 6 by Badboy Lifestyle
This newsletter is offered as a free service by Badboy Lifestyle and no purchase is necessary. Badboy Lifestyle crew teaching guys how to approach and seduce girls in clubs and bars. I know the dude personally. He has a bad limp on the left side and a huge scar on his head from an operation on a... >>More<<
Newsletter Vol 5 by Badboy Lifestyle
This newsletter is offered as a free service by Badboy Lifestyle and no purchase is necessary. Badboy Lifestyle crew teaching guys how to approach and seduce girls in clubs and bars. I know the dude personally. He has a bad limp on the left side and a huge scar on his head from an operation on a... >>More<<
Casanova Homecoming by Arthur Schnitzler
It is difficult to portray the love affairs of a fat old man of 60--even if he has the reputation of Casanova or even of Don Juan himself for that matter, as anything more than rather sickening. Snitzler, however, has attempted and succeeded in that difficult task and the result is a combination of... >>More<<
The Sexual Key V3 by Jd Fuentes
Women, much more so than men, can be emotionally touched and sexually aroused by language. "Sexual Key: How to Attract and Arouse a Woman in Minutes, using Words Alone" explains the simple and easy step-by-step process of using language to bond with and arouse a woman in the course of a single... >>More<<
Create More Time Out Of Thin Air by C Kellogg
Welcome to Create More Time... out of thin air! Have you ever felt that there is not enough time in the world? Do you even feel that you don't have the time to read this book? Well, I don't know about you, but you and I are the same - we all have 24 hours a day, from Bill Gates to the beggar... >>More<<
The Intelligence Of Woman by Wl George
Men have been found to deny woman an intellect they have credited her with instinct, with intuition, with a capacity to correlate cause and effect much as a dog connects its collar with a walk. But intellect in its broadest sense, the capacity consecutively to plan and steadfastly to execute,... >>More<<
Mars Venus Revisited by Dr Gray
The following essay consists of chapter reviews that examine John Gray's Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus with arguments, point-by-point. >>More<<
Man Supreme Inheritance by Frederick Matthias Alexander
Many persons have pointed out the strain which has come upon human nature in the change from a state of animal savagery to present civilization. No one, it seems to me, has grasped the meaning, dangers and possibilities of this change more lucidly and completely than Mr. Alexander. His account of... >>More<<
Brad Fashion Bible by Brad P
Let me begin by telling you I'm not an expert in fashion. I don't know much about major designers or what's going to be in next season. But even without being a fashion expert, I've been able to construct a look for myself that constantly gets me approached by women, complimented by fashion... >>More<<
Controlled Remote Viewing by Pj Gaenir
THE CONTROLLED REMOTE VIEWING MANUAL. USED AS A MANUAL FOR TRV TRAINING USED AS A REFERENCE MANUAL FOR CRV TRAINING AN HISTORICAL DOCUMENT. Before anything else, I want to say: This manual does not, and cannot, replace personal instruction in the psychic methodology of Controlled Remote Viewing.... >>More<<
The Sexual Key V2 Transcript by Jd Fuentes
Women, much more so than men, can be emotionally touched and sexually aroused by language. "Sexual Key: How to Attract and Arouse a Woman in Minutes, using Words Alone" explains the simple and easy step-by-step process of using language to bond with and arouse a woman in the course of a single... >>More<<
Most Common Mistakes Woman Make When Men Do Not Call by Chris Jackson
Sadly, but it has happened to most of us. You meet a great man. You start dating, and whether it's only one date or twenty one, but you just can't help but think he may be the one. You start fantasizing about him and making all kinds of plans in your head that include this great man you've met. You... >>More<<
Advice To Young Men by William Cobbett
In the passage which I have just quoted from chap. xxxi. of ECCLESIASTICUS, it is said, that 'wine, measurably taken, and in season,' is a proper thing. This, and other such passages of the Old Testament, have given a handle to drunkards, and to extravagant people, to insist, that God intended that... >>More<<
How To Get Newspapers And Mags To Write About You by John Alanis
How to Get Newspapers and Magazines to Write Articles About You For FREE That Compel Desirable Women to Contact You By John E. Alanis. Can you actually get newspapers and magazines to write articles about you... articles that will literally compel desirable women to contact you? The answer is an... >>More<<
My Secret Life Volumes I To Iii by Anonymous
An exellent memoir of a man's dedication to sexual pleasure and adventure. A glimpse at a society and time gone and little recorded. Also, a book that can be read with one hand. >>More<<
Body Image And Self Esteem by Martha Kempner
This issue of Families Are Talking focuses on body image and self-esteem. It includes tips and messages for parents and caregivers to share with their children, activities to raise awareness, and resources formore information about these important topics. Body image is the picture that you have of... >>More<<
Question How Do Afcs Become Afcs by Alphahot1
Alphahot1 newsgroup: posts archive. alphahot1 aka Luk Skywalker 31 year pickup artist from Roma, Italy. >>More<<
Mental Efficiency And Other Hints To Men And Women by Arnold Bennett
In this light-hearted yet thought-provoking collection of articles, Bennett offers his thoughts on exercising your mind, organising your life, marriage, books and happiness, and other pocket philosophies.The book stands the test of time, and much is still relevant and amusing - perhaps even more... >>More<<
Super Charge Your Confidence Now by Dan Bacon
Super-Charge Your Confidence NOW: The Only Guaranteed Way to Build Unstoppable Social Confidence. I used to suffer from poor confidence and paralyzing anxiety in social situations. These days, I am a super-confident guy dating the women of my dreams. If I can do it, so can you.In this eBooklet, I... >>More<<
The Trend Of Diminishing Sexual Social Consensus by Alphahot1
Alphahot1 newsgroup: posts archive. alphahot1 aka Luk Skywalker 31 year pickup artist from Roma, Italy. >>More<<
Reflections On The Divine Feminine by John Nash
Over the last 30 years feminist theology has become a field of intense interest. The main driving force has been women reacting against the masculine portrayal of God and the patriarchal structure of organ-ized religion. Women are seeking divine images that relate to and support their own spiritual... >>More<<
How To Get A Man To The Alter Without Going To Bed With Him First by Tom Mcnight
OK, so maybe this article isn't for everybody. For some women, "putting out" just isn't an issue for them. Maybe it isn't for you, either. But if you are tired of the game and really want the promise of love within a covenant, keep reading. For some women now reading these words putting out is a... >>More<<
P90x Plus Schedule by Tony Horton
PLEASE NOTE: this is not full Tony Horton P90X Workout Program DVD set, this is only downloadable PDF eBook from it.To answer the question, here's a short biography on: "Who is Tony Horton?"Raised in the small Rhode Island town of Westerly, Tony preferred fast food to his mother's healthy home... >>More<<
18 Degrees Of Social Freedom by Brad P
18 Degrees of Social Freedom Brad P. Approach Anxiety Seminar c. 2007 Underground Dating Seminar Inc. Exercises. How to use these exercises?Go to an area where there will be plenty of people around. Do as many exercises as you can. Rate each one on a scale of 1-10 on how comfortable you felt. A... >>More<<
Get Your Ex Husband Back Everything You Need To Know by Chris Jackson
If you want to get your ex husband back, be ready for some hard work. Getting back with someone whom you've have had a past relationship with is difficult, especially if the relationship is as deep as marriage. Why? Nobody really asks for a separation from his wife unless a very big issue or... >>More<<
What Does Your Man Really Want by Cucan Pemo
Cucan Pemo is the Author and Publisher of "Bring Back A Lost Love!". For 8 months, she went through a painful experience of a failing relationship, and along the way discovered the secrets of creating that magical relationship which everyone desires. The secrets she learnt enabled her to bring back... >>More<<
Les Trois Don Juan by Guillaume Apollinaire
Les Trois Don Juan - L'Histoire romanesque. >>More<<
The Shocker by Brad P
Brad P. one of the new wave of PUAs is the innovator of The Shocker, both as a method and as a book. The book The Shocker explains the method. This book is about opening, specifically the technique and concept on opening Brad P. has termed The Shocker. A brief note about this review. The Shocker is... >>More<<
Teleseminar Handout August 11 by Pickup101
Last week's PickUp 101's teleseminar "How You Can Easily Flirt With Women For Hours, Without Using Cheesy Lines, Taking an Improv Class, or Memorizing Hours Of Material" was recording and can be purchased for download. This is PDF workbook from this teleseminar >>More<<
The Deserted Woman by Honore De Balzac
The Deserted Woman is a book written by Honore de Balzac. It is widely considered to be one of the top 100 greatest books of all time. This great novel will surely attract a whole new generation of readers. For many, The Deserted Woman is required reading for various courses and curriculums. And... >>More<<
Mode One by Alan Roger Currie
There is a self-help paperback being discussed on various websites, blogs, and Internet radio shows that has received both praise and criticism, and has led to discussions, debates, and controversy.The book is entitled Mode One: Let The Women Know What You're REALLY Thinking, and was written by an... >>More<<
Gut Impact by Jd Fuentes
Using NLP skills and Ericksonian hypnosis in the area of seduction seems to be a rather profitable business and it has stimulated the emergence of many ebooks that deal with this topic, some of which leave a lot to be desired.Gut Impact by J.D. Fuentes are very well written. The book first point... >>More<<
The Welcomed Method by David Shade
Most women believe that direct stimulation of the naked tip of the clit is too sensitive. In their "Welcomed Method" David Shade describes simple steps to a new kind of orgasm. David Shade is "America's Renegade Sex Expert" who had the courage to go outside the boundaries of conventional wisdom to... >>More<<
The Portrait Of A Lady by Henry James
Beautiful, spirited Isabel Archer, an American heiress newly arrived in Europe, is widely expected to quickly marry. But Isabel does not look to a man to furnish her with destiny instead she desires, with grace and courage, to find it herself. Two eligible suitors are refused in favor of her... >>More<<
P90x Plus Alternate Calendar by Tony Horton
PLEASE NOTE: this is not full Tony Horton P90X Workout Program DVD set, this is only downloadable PDF eBook from it.In 2007, Horton created P90X+, a series of follow-up DVDs designed as a supplemental series for graduates of P90X, although P90X+ was not a stand-alone series as was P90X.... >>More<<
Dynamic Approach by Gunwitch
Even with the success of my students who purchased dynamic sex life making me very proud I do not rest on my laurels. There is something missing. There is something that with my unique position of understanding the human mind I feel obligated to add on. Something I have tackled hundreds upon... >>More<<
P90x Plus Worksheets by Tony Horton
PLEASE NOTE: this is not full Tony Horton P90X Workout Program DVD set, this is only downloadable PDF eBook from it.Tony was not always into fitness and training. Fitness in fact turned Tony's own life around. He grew up like every other kid loving sweets, candy and food, but not liking to work... >>More<<
The 48 Laws Of Power by Robert Greene
Robert Greene is author of three savvy books covering seduction, war, and power. His interest in topics that others overlook because they appear greedy, manipulative, and condescending have caused people to frown upon his work. However, on the opposite side of his reviewers are those who are... >>More<<
Closing The Deal by David Shade
rom the archives at Maniac High's Seduction Website. David Shade writes about Closing the deal! >>More<<
What Are Biological Transmutations by Herbert Rosenauer
Classical science is confronted in agriculture with many enigmas which it believes can be explained by physico-chemistry but this is presumptuous, and the great physicists are coming to realise that it involves over-hasty generalisations.Louis de Broglie, the father of wave mechanics, wrote... >>More<<
P90x The Fit Test by Tony Horton
PLEASE NOTE: this is not full Tony Horton P90X Workout Program DVD set, this is only downloadable PDF eBook from it.The first thing that people think about before purchasing this P90x is what will happen after following the instructions given in the manual and video. The answer to that question can... >>More<<
The Deep Spot Article by David Shade
Forget about the 'g' spot, go for 'the deep spot.' According to Gray's Anatomy, this area is called the "cavity of the cervix." This area is shaped like the underside of a Frisbee, with the cervix in the center pointing downward. Imagine the way you hold a Frisbee. Your fingertips touch the inside... >>More<<
The Pickup Handbook by Marius Panzarella
You're about to embark on the journey of your life. For the next few hours, you will learn everything you need to know about meeting, attracting and dating beautiful women. My book has been structured as a straightforward "how-to" manual. It is divided into four different sections. The first... >>More<<
20 Steps Towards Ultimate Confidence by Carol Dodsley
Hi, I am Carol and I am a leading Inspirational Life Design consultant, International Author of 8 books to date, and inspirational workshop presenter and speaker. I offer people, like you, simple and easy ways to create and live the life you dream of living. So many people are bored and feel they... >>More<<
Back Door by David Shade
Forget about the 'g' spot, go for 'the deep spot.' According to Gray's Anatomy, this area is called the "cavity of the cervix." This area is shaped like the underside of a Frisbee, with the cervix in the center pointing downward. Imagine the way you hold a Frisbee. Your fingertips touch the inside... >>More<<
P90x Worksheets by Tony Horton
PLEASE NOTE: this is not full Tony Horton P90X Workout Program DVD set, this is only downloadable PDF eBook from it.The P90X workout program is a revolutionary system of 12 sweat-inducing, muscle-pumping exercises designed to transform your body from regular to ripped in just 90 days. You'll also... >>More<<
Recommended Booklist by David Shade
This is a column where I will contribute content, and answer questions, on how to give women wild screaming orgasms. If you have any questions, or suck-sess stories, about how to give women incredible pleasure, email me at [email protected] and I will answer them in David Shade's Journal.... >>More<<
P90x Calander And Phases by Tony Horton
PLEASE NOTE: this is not full Tony Horton P90X Workout Program DVD set, this is only downloadable PDF eBook from it.Will P90X workouts build muscle? The answer is yes of course it does. The P90X is a full body workout program that targets all muscle groups in different ways chest, back, bis, tris,... >>More<<
The Tao Of Stevie by Stevie Pua
I am writing this series of articles to explain my understanding of PU and to help newbies and RAFCs who want to improve their game. It is by no means a complete account of what I do and think, rather a basic account of some of the points I believe are important in my style of PU. As some readers... >>More<<
P90x Alternate Calendar by Tony Horton
PLEASE NOTE: this is not full Tony Horton P90X Workout Program DVD set, this is only downloadable PDF eBook from it.The innovative edge the P90X has over other home fitness programs is a method Tony Horton has developed called "muscle confusion". By relying on 12 different workouts, and limiting... >>More<<
Pimpin For Dummies by Killapetehog
This book is a compilation of the BEST IDEAS and best ADVICE from guys who are successful with women. It is filled with many different opinions and different views. This may confuse you. That?s perfectly fine. I made it that way! I wanted it that way! I want YOU to choose what YOU think is the... >>More<<
Easy Effects by Banachek
Learn some easy and fun secret effects from Banachek, the world's leading Mentalist. His talents are so incredible that he is the only mentalist ever to fool scientists into believing he possessed 'Psychic powers'. Performers around the world such as the colorful Penn & Teller, "The Amazing" James... >>More<<
Beleif Buster Kit.mp3 by Aine Belton
Change your beliefs and you change the very filters with which you perceive and create your world! "Beliefs are the determinant of what one experiences. There are no external causes." - David Hawkins, I: Reality and SubjectivityBut,do you even know what your beliefs are? Step one of your Belief... >>More<<
P90x Calendar by Tony Horton
PLEASE NOTE: this is not full Tony Horton P90X Workout Program DVD set, this is only downloadable PDF eBook from it.Tony Horton presents a positive approach to his workout sessions with modesty and humor one of the hallmarks of the Horton workout session. The workouts are divided into segments,... >>More<<
Questions by David Shade
Question and answers from David Shade, "America's Renegade Sex Expert" who had the courage to go outside the boundaries of conventional wisdom to find the things that really work and work very powerfully to give women incredible pleasure. As a result, he has improved the sex lives of tens of... >>More<<
Pre Thoughts by Banachek
20 page spiral-bound booklet includes detailed illustrations and instructions. This book is more than a set of lecture notes, this is a complete mentalism act from start to finish as used by Steve Shaw (Banachek). Excerpts can be used as stand-alone in your show! >>More<<
Little Book Of Wonders by Kenton Knepper
About 60 pages packed with original Kenton material never published before. Here are some of Kenton's cherished secrets such as his work with The Hoy Deck which sent mentalists reeling recently. This 5 1/2 X 11 inch booklet has more truly creative and honestly practical effects than most books... >>More<<
Post Archive by David Shade
Articles in this archive are generated through automated means on a regular basis. Some articles found here may not actually be attributed to the author intended to be represented, although best efforts have been made to ensure the automated generation process is as accurate as possible. Please... >>More<<
Personal Page Of Stevie Pua by Stevie Pua
Who Is Stevie PUA? Stevie PUA is a UK based PUA who specialises in pub, bar and shop PUs. His style is influenced by Ross Jeffries and Mystery. I have studied SS since 1997, NLP since 1992, and Mystery since 2000, when I became a regular reader and poster on FastSeduction and Moderated ASF. I have... >>More<<
Taming The Poltergeist by Banachek
A book written about Banachek during the 'Alpha Project' days when he was studied by scientists. In this book, scientists are convince Banachek can bend metal, move objects, effect film, make flashbulbs explode, break and bend keys, find hidden objects with his mind. Book Details: * Genre:... >>More<<
Catch Him And Keep Him by Christian Carter
"Catch Him and Keep Him", Men are from Mars...or so we keep being told this. We will read more books on the issues of exactly what makes the male mind tick and still not quite get it. "Catch Him and Keep Him" is an excellent roadmap with very clear instructions for any reader. It will hit you with... >>More<<
Bent On Strange by Bob Cassidy
The Ultimate Key Bending Routine. In the early 1970's, at the "dawning of the Age of Aquarius," a young Israeli named Uri Geller attracted worldwide attention with his "psychic" abilities. While he demonstrated several paranormal skills, it was his "psychokinetic" ability to bend silverware,... >>More<<