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Killapetehog - Pimpin For Dummies (copyrighted book, review only)

Cover of Killapetehog's Book Pimpin For Dummies
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This book is a compilation of the BEST IDEAS and best ADVICE from guys who are successful with women. It is filled with many different opinions and different views. This may confuse you. That?s perfectly fine. I made it that way! I wanted it that way! I want YOU to choose what YOU think is the right way. That?s how I figured things out. Most of your questions about women will be answered here. Different advice works on different people and on different women. So you will have to choose and pick out? What applies to you!
Killapetehog - "Pimpin For Dummies" is copyrighted and can't be downloaded or ordered on DVD, you can try to find it at
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Due to copyright restrictions of the book, its downloading and order on the DVD is prohibited. This page contains only review and cover of book. If you find any copyright violation, please contact me at [email protected]
Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   Art Of Pickup
Author:      Killapetehog
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
This book is a compilation of the BEST IDEAS and best ADVICE from guys who are successful with women. It is filled with many different opinions and different views. This may confuse you. That?s perfectly fine. I made it that way! I wanted it that way! I want YOU to choose what YOU think is the right way. That?s how I figured things out. Most of your questions about women will be answered here. Different advice works on different people and on different women. So you will have to choose and pick out? What applies to you!