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Ross Quigley - Beautiful Women Prefer Nerds (254.0 Kb eBook, $25.02 FREE)

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"Beautiful Women Prefer Nerds! A Real Man's Guide on How to Find, Date, and Romance the Perfect Woman" by ROSS QUIGLEY is a step-by-step men's textbook for beginners on how to find and attract the Perfect Woman or Dream Girl. Beginning with a diagnostic test, the book explains dating, falling in love, and finding romance in a concise and entertaining manner, showing all the clever strategies successful men use. Time-tested methods are illustrated with humorous anecdotes and memorable thumb rules.I read ALOT of books on datin... More >>>
Ross Quigley - "Beautiful Women Prefer Nerds" is electronically distributed. You can download it or order on DVD.
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   Art Of Pickup
Author:      Ross Quigley
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
"Beautiful Women Prefer Nerds! A Real Man's Guide on How to Find, Date, and Romance the Perfect Woman" by ROSS QUIGLEY is a step-by-step men's textbook for beginners on how to find and attract the Perfect Woman or Dream Girl. Beginning with a diagnostic test, the book explains dating, falling in love, and finding romance in a concise and entertaining manner, showing all the clever strategies successful men use. Time-tested methods are illustrated with humorous anecdotes and memorable thumb rules.

I read ALOT of books on dating, body language, courting, sexual relationships and social techniques for meeting women and maintaining relationships. Although this is not a long book, it is one of the best that I've read. I don't know how much time and money I have poured into women that were actually rejecting me without me knowing it. This book is the best I've read in terms of recognizing the signs if a woman is actually interested in you, or when she's not. Many times I thought I was starting to develop a relationship, only to find out she's not interested, after wasting money and time on her because I couldn't recognize the signs. This book will pay for itself if it saves you just one date with a woman that isn't interested in you in the first place. The book also spells out how to tell if the woman is genuinely interested in you, of if she just wants to accept your gifts and dates to be nice. This book helps you understand the way women think, and is an excellent tool to help you know which women are available to you and which are just leading you on. Guys, do yourself a huge favor and READ THIS BOOK!