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Joseph Matthews - Break Out Of The Friends Zone (110.0 Kb eBook)

Cover of Joseph Matthews's Book Break Out Of The Friends Zone
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It happens all too often.You meet a girl, and she's amazing! She's beautiful, smart, funny, exciting, and you're in love. But for whatever reason, she just doesn't feel the same way about YOU! Oh sure, she likes you well enough. After all, you're a great guy. But she just doesn't see you "that way." So she uses the most painful phrase in the female vocabulary:"Let's just be friends!"So rather than lose her completely, and thinking you probably still have a chance with her, you agree, and BOOM - you're her new friend! You han... More >>>
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   Art Of Pickup
Author:      Joseph Matthews
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
It happens all too often.

You meet a girl, and she's amazing! She's beautiful, smart, funny, exciting, and you're in love. But for whatever reason, she just doesn't feel the same way about YOU! Oh sure, she likes you well enough. After all, you're a great guy. But she just doesn't see you "that way." So she uses the most painful phrase in the female vocabulary:

"Let's just be friends!"

So rather than lose her completely, and thinking you probably still have a chance with her, you agree, and BOOM - you're her new friend! You hang out with her. You talk to her on the phone. She calls you up when she has a problem. She cries on your shoulder when she has "boy troubles." You are her FRIEND... And it SUCKS!

For some reason, there's a barrier there that you can't quite scale. Something that keeps you from crossing the boundary from "friend" into "boyfriend." Let me just tell you, up front, that being friends with a girl you want to be romantically involved with BEFORE you're romantically involved with her is a difficult situation to be in. Whether you made the common mistake of becoming friends, hoping that would lead to a relationship, or you tried for the relationship and got dumped into the "friends" category, the fact remains that you're someplace you don't want to be...

AND YOU WANT TO CHANGE THAT! But you don't know how. After all, isn't getting stuck in the "friends zone" the kiss of death from which no man can ever recover?

Well, this is usually true. Once a "friend," always a "friend."


That's not always the case. There is still a possibility, no matter how slim it may be, that you can turn things around and actually turn that girl from a "friend" into a lover, or even a girlfriend! So let's discuss how you can go about doing this. But know going in that this is not a 100% full-proof method that is guaranteed to get you results.

A lot of the success of what I'm about to share with you depends on you, your instincts, and the girl you're going after. Remember: the damage is already done! If you're in the "friends" zone, she's taken you out of the game. This will be your last ditch attempt to get back in! Now we'll cover 12 tactics specifically designed to help you do just that...