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Tom Mcnight - How To Get A Man To The Alter Without Going To Bed With Him First (327.0 Kb eBook, $25.44 FREE)

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OK, so maybe this article isn't for everybody. For some women, "putting out" just isn't an issue for them. Maybe it isn't for you, either. But if you are tired of the game and really want the promise of love within a covenant, keep reading. For some women now reading these words putting out is a big issue. Secretly, they've wished there was some way around it, but have ultimately surrendered to what appears to be an unrelenting social custom of our day. There is incredibly strong peer pressure out there assuring you that "th... More >>>
Tom Mcnight - "How To Get A Man To The Alter Without Going To Bed With Him First" is electronically distributed. You can download it or order on DVD.
OK, so maybe this article isn't for everybody. For some women, "putting out" just isn't an issue for them. Maybe it isn't for you, either. But if you are tired of the game and really want the promise of love within a covenant, keep reading. For some women now reading these words putting out is a big issue. Secretly, they've wished there was some way around it, but have ultimately surrendered to what appears to be an unrelenting social custom of our day. There is incredibly strong peer pressure out there assuring you that "there is no other way". There are a lot of women out there who really would like to save the heavy artillery for marriage, but they think it's against the rules so they play a pretending game and it tears them apart.
A whole slew of women find they don't really want to have to lay down their personal values and integrity time after time before they're married. But what else can they do? These women would like to really it truly possible to catch a man and marry him, in this day and age, without having to go to bed with him first? Can a woman really still win the man she wants, without having to compromise her integrity by ignoring the voice inside her when it says, "I just don't feel right doing it this way!" The answer is a resounding, "Yes, more than you can begin to imagine!" Not only can you capture a man's heart without having to sell your soul for the privilege, but the confidence that emanates from you when you determine to be true to yourself in this regard actually empowers you in your ability to get him to commit!! In fact, the truth is, your ability to mesmerize the man you want is magnified when you hold out to the very end in refusing to bestow marital privileges until...well...marriage! You hold the winning hand, if you just refuse to be bluffed out of it. Why, then, do so many women seem to believe that they don't have any choice in the matter? Why do so many think that, if they ever hope to get married, that going to bed with the man first is inescapable?