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Cr James - Friends (28.0 Kb eBook)

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How To Quickly Turn Platonic Friends into Lovers Using The New 5-Step Jealousy Technique. I'm going to get straight to the point. If you want to exit the platonic zone, you need to focus on two things. Number one, it can be done. And number two, you must make her jealous. Making a woman jealous is an art. It is one of the quickest and easiest ways to build instant sexual value. If you have any moral hold ups or any mental roadblocks that will prevent you from making her jealous, then continue to listen to the girl of your dr... More >>>
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   Art Of Pickup
Author:      Cr James
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
How To Quickly Turn Platonic Friends into Lovers Using The New 5-Step Jealousy Technique. I'm going to get straight to the point. If you want to exit the platonic zone, you need to focus on two things. Number one, it can be done. And number two, you must make her jealous. Making a woman jealous is an art. It is one of the quickest and easiest ways to build instant sexual value. If you have any moral hold ups or any mental roadblocks that will prevent you from making her jealous, then continue to listen to the girl of your dreams yap about some other guy that makes her horny. No self-respecting man should allow such emasculating events to occur, but for some reason it happens all the time. Making someone jealous is one of the quickest ways to establish your sexual value. I can not stress that enough. In the platonic situation, she is use to you showing her some level of romantic attention. - CR James

About Author:

CR James is a former Engineering Specialist for the US Army best known for his "underground" seduction reports (for guys in relationships). The most popular one is titled "Super Seduction Power". CR James is is a Sexual Relationship Strategist, dating expert, instructor and the author of the seduction book Super Sex Power and has taken his persuasion skills and shown males the way.

CR James in his own words:

I'm not a psychologist.
I'm not a sexual therapist.
I'm also not claiming to be a horribly unattractive guy that has The Magic Formula for seducing women within 15 seconds.
I'm actually a Signal Processing Electrical Engineer with a passion for Persuasion Psychology (from a motivational standpoint).
I was once contracted by the U.S. Army as a Signals Specialist to developed high-powered algorithms.
I have a burning passion for coming up with original ideas that go against the grain. I really enjoy thinking beyond the scope of social conditioning.

The truth is I never really had a problem attracting women and taking things to the next level. But there was a major problem that I ran into:

"How come my sex life takes a serious nose-dive when I'm in a relationship?"

I was obsessed with figuring this out.

"How could a (sexually healthy) woman who loved me and found me attractive, NOT be excited about having sex with me..."

Again, I was obsessed with figuring this out.

Because all I wanted was my girlfriend to want sex just as much as I did!
All I wanted was her to initiate sex every once in awhile!
All I wanted was her to be excited about having sex with me!

After several months of being Mad-Scientist-Obsessed with finding the truth, something happened...
It Hit Me Like A Load Of Bricks!
It just popped in my head...
I started looking at everything differently... What I stumbled on was a formula that was so simple and so easy...
It was crystal clear!
... and when I thought about it - it gave me the chills...
I kept thinking: "This could actually work!"