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Real Social Dynamics - Amsterdam Seminar Notes (81.0 Kb eBook)

Cover of Real Social Dynamics's Book Amsterdam Seminar Notes
eBook downloads: 409
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Here's a micro review of RSD: - Teaches you how to be cool - Teaches you social skills you may lack - Pushes you into lots of sets - Some incredible instructors (ie Geoff, 26) - Different instructor styles appeal to difference people - Very high-intensity seminars, very intense, info over-load - Great mix of different subjects in the seminar (Alex & 26 were favourites) - Pushes you into a *LOT* of sets (I did 100 approaches easily this weekend)... More >>>
Real Social Dynamics - "Amsterdam Seminar Notes" is electronically distributed. You can download it or order on DVD.
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   Art Of Pickup
Author:      Real Dynamics
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
Here's a micro review of RSD:

- Teaches you how to be cool

- Teaches you social skills you may lack

- Pushes you into lots of sets

- Some incredible instructors (ie Geoff, 26)

- Different instructor styles appeal to difference people

- Very high-intensity seminars, very intense, info over-load

- Great mix of different subjects in the seminar (Alex & 26 were favourites)

- Pushes you into a *LOT* of sets (I did 100 approaches easily this weekend)