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Nicholas Hill - Don Juan Boot Camp (2.7 MB eBook, $32.04 FREE)

Cover of Nicholas Hill's Book Don Juan Boot Camp
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Well, guys, it has been a few years since the first version of this document! Since then, many people have started and continued the tradition of starting boot camps all over the world. I have found and corrected several spelling mistakes, but more importantly, every link to source material should now work. All the .com's were changed to .net's, and vBulletin's changed to forum's. This is a large book and significant work has gone into it to make sure it doesn't resemble the work of a commoner. You know what I mean, shorthan... More >>>
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   Art Of Pickup
Author:      Nicholas Hill
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
Well, guys, it has been a few years since the first version of this document! Since then, many people have started and continued the tradition of starting boot camps all over the world. I have found and corrected several spelling mistakes, but more importantly, every link to source material should now work. All the .com's were changed to .net's, and vBulletin's changed to forum's. This is a large book and significant work has gone into it to make sure it doesn't resemble the work of a commoner. You know what I mean, shorthand, bad grammar, awful spelling, and stuff that simply doesn't make sense. All of those things were painstakingly fixed for each and every included article.

My "Master of the Universes'" training course text runs throughout this book. I have taken the liberty to insert the actual reference articles as part of each "week", correcting countless spelling and grammatical errors as the process continued. Someday, all DJs will learn how to spell. His structure is pretty simple, MotU first of all discusses the prospect of setting up such a course, and you can read all about this in the following chapters. There are a total of eight weeks. Each week, you should read the next chapter and do the exercises. You'll have a hard time, but we all guarantee that if you complete it, you'll have the time of your life from that point on. Good luck in your endeavours, Nicholas Hill