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Michael Pilinski - Without Embarrassment (1.8 MB eBook, $30.06 FREE)

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Are you socially withdrawn? Is "nerd" how you would describe yourself? Can you remember a horrible, mocking, humiliating event in your past that still haunts you to this day? See it as vividly as when it first happened? (Oh, I can remember a few of them!) What kind of pain does it take to control you? Are you the sort of person who's motivated by the idea of seeking reward or pleasure? Or are you all about avoiding pain and hurt at all costs?I can teach you how to become invincible like Superman and can enjoy operating in a ... More >>>
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   Art Of Pickup
Author:      Michael Pilinski
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
Are you socially withdrawn? Is "nerd" how you would describe yourself? Can you remember a horrible, mocking, humiliating event in your past that still haunts you to this day? See it as vividly as when it first happened? (Oh, I can remember a few of them!) What kind of pain does it take to control you? Are you the sort of person who's motivated by the idea of seeking reward or pleasure? Or are you all about avoiding pain and hurt at all costs?

I can teach you how to become invincible like Superman and can enjoy operating in a completely fearless state! Oh sure there's still a few chunks of kryptonite out there waiting to trip you up if you're not careful - but it's nothing like the mountain of boulders that currently stands between yourself and a fulfilling social life. The only time you may be likely to encounter those deadly kryptonite land mines is when you get so overconfident and arrogant with your new found seduction powers that you venture outside the system and try to force a play when there isn't one to be made.

I can teach you how stop being "friends" with women and Start Getting Laid! Establish your Sexual Interest in her as a Man... immediately and "Without Embarrassment"... Remove the Shame Blocks that prevent you from developing intimate connections with women... Trigger genetic "buttons" that force her to willingly respond to your advances... ...Automatically! Destroy your pathological Fear of Rejection... Forever! Let's get started. - Mike Pilinski June 2002