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Janet Oneil - The Complete Idiot Guide To The Art Of Seduction (26.7 MB eBook, $53.38 FREE)

Cover of Janet Oneil's Book The Complete Idiot Guide To The Art Of Seduction
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This is a great book men and women who are single and getting nowhere. Readers learn how to become proactive when it comes to their love lives. This book is well written and contains easy to follow instructions. It was alot of fun to read. Readers learn about the secrets of seduction and attracting the right partner, who will be more than just a one-night stand. Men and women also discover how to push the object of their desires buttons through the art of flirting, body language, and more. This book gives amazing insight on ... More >>>
Janet Oneil - "The Complete Idiot Guide To The Art Of Seduction" is electronically distributed. You can download it or order on DVD.
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   Art Of Seduction
Author:      Janet Oneil
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
This is a great book men and women who are single and getting nowhere. Readers learn how to become proactive when it comes to their love lives. This book is well written and contains easy to follow instructions. It was alot of fun to read. Readers learn about the secrets of seduction and attracting the right partner, who will be more than just a one-night stand. Men and women also discover how to push the object of their desires buttons through the art of flirting, body language, and more.

This book gives amazing insight on interaction between people (The book doesn't have to be used for heterosexual purpose), and all those small details that we, from time to time, forget. More than 1/2 my philosopy are based on this book.Janet O'Neal is a genius at bringing out the ultimate seducerin all of us -- whether we be single, married, young, old, male, orfemale. She gives not only great scenarios and ideas for seducing the object of your desire, but also delves into the emotional side, giving warnings on when seduction is "good" and when it is ill - intended. I highly recommend this book. It opened my eyes and taught me a new way of being seductive and flirtacious with my boyfriend.