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Maniac High - Maniac Highs Pickup Girls Guide And Seduction Site (3.0 MB eBook)

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Maniac High is the introducer of the Mr Smooth technique and an accomplished student of patterns. Maniac High is most known for his ability to get same night lays (not to be confused with one night stands). His techniques are quick and powerful and has the ability to go from approaching to the bedroom in minutes. Maniac High has been making new ground and expanding his philosophy of seduction into many new realms making his game even more powerful.
Maniac High - "Maniac Highs Pickup Girls Guide And Seduction Site" is electronically distributed. You can download it or order on DVD.
Welcome to the first and largest non commercial seduction website on the entire Internet! There are no ads, spam, or other useless shit here... only what *WORKS* gets on this page!
Maniac High's Seduction Website!
- What is this site? and who is Maniac High?
- Glossary of terms used on this website/ newsgroup
- Nice looking version of this site, but not up to date
The *latest* from Maniac High
- Kipp's Nightclub guide! -- Kipp
- Preamable: Calling PC Bullshit and what to do when you get stuck -- Maniac High
- The New Maniac Plan 2002 -- Maniac High
- 3p Lay Report! Maniac does a street PU and threesome! -- Maniac High
- Opener routines for use in various situations -- Maniac High
- Revised statement of affirmations about yourself --Maniac High
- Random highlights and tidbits from the diary Part 1 --Maniac High
- Random highlights and tidbits from the diary Part 2 --Maniac High
Basic seduction guides
- Maniac's No Nonsense Guide to Laying a Chick for beginners -- Maniac High
- Sample results when reader follows Maniac's PU Guide
- The 'Maniac Plan': revision on the above -- Maniac High
- Maniac Talks about how/why the 'ManiacPlan' works! -- Maniac High
- Link to good Ross Jeffries online seduction book (free)
- Taro-san's Basic Seduction Guide! -- Taro san
Awesome pickup and seduction tips!
Before you start, the right Attitude!
- How NOT to do a pickup! -- It is because of stories like this, that this website exists..
- Relationships are based on Rocks and Gold! -- Jake, Maniac High
- Your own value is higher than their! -- MrSex4uNYC
- Attitude and Desireability -- Mr. Happy
- If you think you aren't good looking enough, read this... Maniac's "The Iranian from Hell"
- Why you always want to be shagging multiple chicks! -- Maniac High
- De-shying practice! -- Svengali
Basics you need to know first
- Girls do not want 'nice guys' as BFs (only as husbands) -- Various chicks
- Read this next! Why / how to be the man women love..the 'jerk'! -- Tom, Mr.Regular
- What a chick says is not what she really means! -- Maniac's "Real Life Chick Logic Humor!"
Maniac High is the introducer of the Mr Smooth technique and an accomplished student of patterns. Maniac High is most known for his ability to get same night lays (not to be confused with one night stands). His techniques are quick and powerful and has the ability to go from approaching to the bedroom in minutes. Maniac High has been making new ground and expanding his philosophy of seduction into many new realms making his game even more powerful.