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Tranceboy - The Lazy Mans Guide To Seduction (92.0 Kb eBook)

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In this essay I shall attempt to convey my observations, and research into the art of seduction. Seduction is a game which is played everyday in every country by millions of people. It's simply a natural form of human courtship. Nothing to be ashamed about, unless like me you're married, in which case it can be a dangerous game. Seduction is not the same as flirting. Flirting is more malicious, Eric Berne refers to it as the "game of rapo". Flirting is simply capturing attentions, and often involves teasing. Seduction, howe... More >>>
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   Pickup Masters
Author:      Tranceboy
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
In this essay I shall attempt to convey my observations, and research into the art of seduction. Seduction is a game which is played everyday in every country by millions of people. It's simply a natural form of human courtship. Nothing to be ashamed about, unless like me you're married, in which case it can be a dangerous game. Seduction is not the same as flirting. Flirting is more malicious, Eric Berne refers to it as the "game of rapo". Flirting is simply capturing attentions, and often involves teasing. Seduction, however, is the act of trying to convince some one - usually a stranger - to mate with you. You don't have to take it this far, you can use the principles to establish a long lasting

loving relationship, but all journeys must start with a first step. In human relations, this first step often involves physical attraction which triggers our biological system into lust mode. Even if you wish to remain a virgin untill your wedding night, to get to a wedding night you must establish a raport with a suitable partner. In this essay I should like to describe some of the more successful ways in which raport can be established, and hopefully without being too dry and boring. - Tranceboy