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Robert Anue Books 

Forbidden Pattern The Shadow And The Rising Sun by Robert Anue
One of the forbidden patterns - The Shadow and the Rising Sun. Theme builds on the darker side of a person and a sneaky "swish" to get you in there(shadow) Essentially it seems this pattern is best suited to encouraging one to get in touch with their hidden desires (thus connecting emotionally... >>More<<
Forbidden Pattern The Gemini by Robert Anue
THE GEMINI / DARK SUN Pattern. Once in rapport. Possible theme - 'Different places in the mind' by Robert Anue >>More<<
Evil Pattern The Door by Robert Anue
The Door pattern originated by Alex Domnikov. The Door is aimed at controlling her after you've started sleeping with her. Other patterns that you've used on her have anchored immense pleasure to you. The Door creates an anchor for the loss of that pleasure. >>More<<
Zebu Erickson Hypnosis Game Manual by Robert Anue
This is MANUAL to zebu cards deck. ZEBU is a normal boxed deck of 52 playing cards with 52 extraordinary language patterns taken from the field of NLP and the field of hypnosis from the work of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Each card in the ZEBU deck has a language pattern written at the top and bottom,... >>More<<
Zebu Milton Cards Manual by Robert Anue
This is MANUAL to zebu cards deck. ZEBU is a normal boxed deck of 52 playing cards with 52 extraordinary language patterns taken from the field of NLP and the field of hypnosis from the work of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Each card in the ZEBU deck has a language pattern written at the top and bottom,... >>More<<
The Hypno Zebu Language Card Game Manual by Robert Anue
This is MANUAL to zebu cards deck. ZEBU is a normal boxed deck of 52 playing cards with 52 extraordinary language patterns taken from the field of NLP and the field of hypnosis from the work of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Each card in the ZEBU deck has a language pattern written at the top and bottom,... >>More<<
Zebu Card Deck Manual by Robert Anue
This is MANUAL to zebu cards deck. ZEBU is a normal boxed deck of 52 playing cards with 52 extraordinary language patterns taken from the field of NLP and the field of hypnosis from the work of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Each card in the ZEBU deck has a language pattern written at the top and bottom,... >>More<<