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Michael Pilinski - The Three Keys To Seducing Any Woman (772.0 Kb eBook, $27.28 FREE)

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This is Special Report From I'm going to clue you in on something that you may or may not believe when you first hear it, but in your heart of hearts I know you will understand it to be the God's honest truth. It's simply this: your problem with whatever fear you might be experiencing when it comes to having your advances rejected by a woman can be traced to a deeply conditioned form of SHAME that has been 'linked' (associated) to your normal, natural human need for affection. That's right, you are profou... More >>>
Michael Pilinski - "The Three Keys To Seducing Any Woman" is electronically distributed. You can download it or order on DVD.
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   Art Of Seduction
Author:      Michael Pilinski
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
This is Special Report From I'm going to clue you in on something that you may or may not believe when you first hear it, but in your heart of hearts I know you will understand it to be the God's honest truth. It's simply this: your problem with whatever fear you might be experiencing when it comes to having your advances rejected by a woman can be traced to a deeply conditioned form of SHAME that has been 'linked' (associated) to your normal, natural human need for affection. That's right, you are profoundly ashamed to meet and seduce women! Here's how it happened. Due to some kind of warped association that was created in your head (probably during the earliest years of your life), you cannot act upon a normal desire for love and affection without the emotion of shame getting involved somehow.

Whenever you encounter a situation in your life where you have an opportunity to 'reveal' that you would like to experience some affection from a woman (like everyone else in the world), you are overwhelmed by a suffocating sense of humiliation which paralyzes you to act in your own best interest. Two completely dissimilar and unrelated emotions -- affection and shame -- have become 'joined at the hip' in the unconscious recesses of your mind.