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Michael Pilinski - 3 Perfecting Your Dominant Male Attitude (258.0 Kb eBook, $25.04 FREE)

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Key 3 from Mike Polinski book "The Three Keys To Seducing Any Woman". Perfecting Your Dominant Male Attitude Is There Really a Male Display That Acts Like a 'Mating Call' to Women?Any man, that is, who shows respect for the complexities of courting by taking it seriously. You see, gamesmanship is a major issue with women, and it's one of the big secrets of guys who have a knack for scoring with them. These type of guys have learned to willingly and enthusiastically play their expected role in the dance of romance, and women ... More >>>
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   Alpha Male
Author:      Michael Pilinski
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
Key 3 from Mike Polinski book "The Three Keys To Seducing Any Woman". Perfecting Your Dominant Male Attitude Is There Really a Male Display That Acts Like a 'Mating Call' to Women?

Any man, that is, who shows respect for the complexities of courting by taking it seriously. You see, gamesmanship is a major issue with women, and it's one of the big secrets of guys who have a knack for scoring with them. These type of guys have learned to willingly and enthusiastically play their expected role in the dance of romance, and women love them for it. I myself once had a big problem with these strict social roles of conduct which made it very difficult for me to play the flirting/dating game. I intensely disliked the fact that women had the power to choose whether or not they were going to have sex with a guy, and that you we're always the one who was in a position of having to 'perform' (and in a way, beg) to have them bestow you with the gift of their willing bodies...