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Michael Pilinski - High Status Male (1008.0 Kb eBook, $28.02 FREE)

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Dare you admit that he has a secret power to meet women that you don't? I could be just like him and get girls too, if I wanted to. Right. Okay so we were just kids then, stupid kids, so what? Well, it begins to matter a lot a few years later when every one of your friends fumbles and feels his way into some kind of relationship, but you're still left standing out in the cold. Soon, panic starts to set in. What the hell is wrong with me?... you begin to think. Why is it that everyone else seems to be able to figure out how t... More >>>
Michael Pilinski - "High Status Male" is electronically distributed. You can download it or order on DVD.
Dare you admit that he has a secret power to meet women that you don't? I could be just like him and get girls too, if I wanted to. Right. Okay so we were just kids then, stupid kids, so what? Well, it begins to matter a lot a few years later when every one of your friends fumbles and feels his way into some kind of relationship, but you're still left standing out in the cold. Soon, panic starts to set in. What the hell is wrong with me?... you begin to think. Why is it that everyone else seems to be able to figure out how this making out thing works, and I still can't get the courage up to even ask one girl out on a damn date? And like a man with a tiger outside his gate, Not only couldn't relax but he couldn't relate...
Your social ineptitude begins to become a real stone in your shoe, an obsession. There must be a way to overcome this fear of being rejected so that you can "become normal" like everyone else. But it isn't easy. Like quicksand, your fear draws you down ever deeper the more you struggle against it. Why? Because it isn't the mere fear of interacting with women that you have... something which can be overcome with a courageous burst of willpower. What is really suffocating your social life is more akin to a phobia that finds its source in a complex webwork of shame and shaming events that may have either happened to you suddenly in a traumatic event, or (more insidiously) built up in a very subtle and gradual fashion that was so far beneath your radar screen that you never knew what hit you.