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Rob J - Maximum Seduction The Ko Script (127.0 Kb eBook)

Cover of Rob J's Book Maximum Seduction The Ko Script
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For this script/pattern to be effective on a chick and to get the results you surely can depend on, you must FIRST evaluate the kind of chick you plan to use it with (as should be the case when using ANY type of NLP or SS with a chick). Directly and succinctly stated: THIS SCRIPT WILL NOT WORK ON AIRHEADS AND BIMBOS! - Rob J
Rob J - "Maximum Seduction The Ko Script" is electronically distributed. You can download it or order on DVD.
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   Art Of Seduction
Author:      Rob J
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
For this script/pattern to be effective on a chick and to get the results you surely can depend on, you must FIRST evaluate the kind of chick you plan to use it with (as should be the case when using ANY type of NLP or SS with a chick). Directly and succinctly stated: THIS SCRIPT WILL NOT WORK ON AIRHEADS AND BIMBOS! - Rob J