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Alex Domnikov - Original Forbidden Patterns (62.0 Kb eBook)

Cover of Alex Domnikov's Book Original Forbidden Patterns
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This one is the "bad boy" of all patterns. Anyone who has studied SS and NLP and has come into contact with the Door pattern, has found it to be evil and cruel, playing on the fears and deep insecurities of women. To give you an idea of how bad this pattern actually is - even Ross Jeffries himself has denounced this pattern and says that he does NOT encourage anyone to use it.So... as always with stuff like that... "for educational purpose only":)The Original Door pattern originated by Alex Domnikov.
Alex Domnikov - "Original Forbidden Patterns" is electronically distributed. You can download it or order on DVD.
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   NLP
Author:      Alex Domnikov
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
This one is the "bad boy" of all patterns. Anyone who has studied SS and NLP and has come into contact with the Door pattern, has found it to be evil and cruel, playing on the fears and deep insecurities of women. To give you an idea of how bad this pattern actually is - even Ross Jeffries himself has denounced this pattern and says that he does NOT encourage anyone to use it.

So... as always with stuff like that... "for educational purpose only":)

The Original Door pattern originated by Alex Domnikov.