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Slade Shaw - The 3 Destructive But Common Dating Mistakes Men Make (63.0 Kb eBook)

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Albert Einstein said, "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." This seems especially true when it comes to dating. You may accidentally call your date Bob when his name is Bill. You may spill a glass of red wine on his nice, new suit. You might get a glob of spinach stuck in your teeth (which you'll notice two hours after dinner).Blunders happen -- that's life. But some men make mistakes by not thinking ahead and not being aware of what they're doing at the moment. Here are some of the most common ... More >>>
Slade Shaw - "The 3 Destructive But Common Dating Mistakes Men Make" is electronically distributed. You can download it or order on DVD.
Albert Einstein said, "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." This seems especially true when it comes to dating. You may accidentally call your date Bob when his name is Bill. You may spill a glass of red wine on his nice, new suit. You might get a glob of spinach stuck in your teeth (which you'll notice two hours after dinner).
Blunders happen -- that's life. But some men make mistakes by not thinking ahead and not being aware of what they're doing at the moment. Here are some of the most common ones...