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Lifeworks - Manual For Nlp Practitioner Certification Training By Video Distance Learning (1.0 MB eBook, $28.10 FREE)

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Manual for NLP Practitioner Certification Training by Video Distance Learning. This manual is an accompaniment to our video distance learning course for NLP Practitioner Certification. Throughout the manual, we are addressing people who are taking part in video training and are using the manual as an additional resource and an aid in completing the necessary activities for assessment. The manual does not replace full video training, and we in no way purport that video training is equivalent to live training.The purpose of pl... More >>>
Lifeworks - "Manual For Nlp Practitioner Certification Training By Video Distance Learning" is electronically distributed. You can download it or order on DVD.
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   NLP
Author:      Lifeworks
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
Manual for NLP Practitioner Certification Training by Video Distance Learning. This manual is an accompaniment to our video distance learning course for NLP Practitioner Certification. Throughout the manual, we are addressing people who are taking part in video training and are using the manual as an additional resource and an aid in completing the necessary activities for assessment. The manual does not replace full video training, and we in no way purport that video training is equivalent to live training.

The purpose of placing this manual on the world wide web at very low cost is to make NLP more available to people who otherwise could simply not afford to make NLP skills part of their lives. Although we regret that we have the resources to provide educational backup only to our registered students, those who have acquired this manual without enrolling in our distance learning course can still find enormous peer support on various internet chat lists. Good luck with your studies!