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Michael Hall - Un Insult Ability (164.0 Kb eBook, $24.42 FREE)

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Michael Hall's Articles And Essay Collection. Un-Insult-Ability The Identity Gestalt of Living Beyond a Fragile Ego. A Meta-Stating Pattern to Create the Gestalt State of -- Un-Insult-Ability L. Michael Hall, Ph.D. The state of mind-body-emotion that we call "un-insultability" is a complex state, layered with multiple layers of resourceful belief frames, understanding frames, and decision frames. This pattern comes from the book Meta-States and from Dragon Slaying and is now used in several Neuro-Semantic Trainings-- Traine... More >>>
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   NLP
Author:      Michael Hall
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
Michael Hall's Articles And Essay Collection. Un-Insult-Ability The Identity Gestalt of Living Beyond a Fragile Ego. A Meta-Stating Pattern to Create the Gestalt State of -- Un-Insult-Ability L. Michael Hall, Ph.D. The state of mind-body-emotion that we call "un-insultability" is a complex state, layered with multiple layers of resourceful belief frames, understanding frames, and decision frames. This pattern comes from the book Meta-States and from Dragon Slaying and is now used in several Neuro-Semantic Trainings-- Trainers Training and Living Genius.