Kevin Hogan - The Psychology Of Persuasion (14.6 MB eBook, $45.22 FREE)

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The Psychology Of Persuasion: How To Persuade Others To Your Way Of Thinking will show how to ethically direct others toward your point of view. Author Kevin Hogan teaches the skills of persuasion drawn from techniques as diverse as hypnosis, neurolinguistics, the Bible, and successful salespeople throughout history. The Psychology Of Persuasion demonstrates how to construct persuasive messages. It teaches how to tell what the other person is thinking, why he thinks it, and how to change what he thinks. It covers persuasion ... More >>>
Kevin Hogan - "The Psychology Of Persuasion" is electronically distributed. You can download it or order on DVD.
Publisher: PUA Media Library
Kevin Hogan Format: eBook
Delivery: Download
The Psychology Of Persuasion: How To Persuade Others To Your Way Of Thinking will show how to ethically direct others toward your point of view. Author Kevin Hogan teaches the skills of persuasion drawn from techniques as diverse as hypnosis, neurolinguistics, the Bible, and successful salespeople throughout history. The Psychology Of Persuasion demonstrates how to construct persuasive messages. It teaches how to tell what the other person is thinking, why he thinks it, and how to change what he thinks. It covers persuasion from both points of view -- helping consumers to make better buys and salespeople to sell more. The Psychology Of Persuasion shares the most powerful tools, strategies and techniques used by political candidates, television ministers, and corporate leaders. The Psychology Of Persuasion is practical, sensible, workable, and totally accessible to the non-specialist general reader.
Kevin Hogan, PsyD (Eagan, MN), is a dynamic motivational speaker and expert on unconscious influence and body language for the BBC, the New York Post, and such popular magazines as Cosmopolitan and Playboy. He teaches Persuasion and Influence at the University of St. Thomas Management Center. He is the author of 12 books including bestsellers such as Irresistible Attraction: Secrets of Personal Magnetism and The Psychology of Persuasion.
About Author:
Kevin Hogan is the author of nineteen books including his most recent; Covert Hypnosis, along with The Science of Influence, The Psychology of Persuasion, Talk Your Way to the Top, Can't Get Through, Irresistible Attraction., Through the Open Door Tinnitus, Life by Design, and The New Hypnotherapy Handbook .
His most popular audio programs about persuasion include The Science of Influence Library: Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI; Secrets of Sales Success (4-DVD Program) and Covert Subliminal Influence . Each year Kevin hosts a conference in Las Vegas. Kevin Hogan's Influence: Boot Camp 2008 is now available on 25 professionally produced DVD's.
He is best known for his international best selling book, The Psychology of Persuasion: How to Persuade Others to Your Way of Thinking.
In the past decade he has become the Body Language Expert and Unconscious Influence Expert to ABC, Fox, The BBC, The New York Times, The New York Post and dozens of popular magazines like Forbes,Investors Business Daily, InTouch, First for Women, Success!, and Cosmopolitan. He has become the go-to resource for analyzing key White House figures.
Hogan has taught Persuasion and Influence at the University of St. Thomas Management Center and is a frequent media guest. Articles by and about him have appeared in Success!, Redbook, Office Pro,, Selling Power, Cosmopolitan, Maxim, Playboy and numerous other publications. He was recently featured in a half dozen magazines (including wProst) in Poland.
Kevin Hogan is the nation's leading influence and body language expert. He has shared his expertise about body language, persuasion and influence with the BBC, the New York Post and dozens of popular magazines like Cosmopolitan, First for Women, Women's World, Playboy, Women's Own and others.
Kevin is a dynamic, well-known international public speaker, consultant and corporate trainer. He has trained persuasion, sales and marketing skills to leaders in the government of Poland, employees from Mutual of Omaha, Boeing, Microsoft, Starbucks, Cargill, Pillsbury, Carlson Companies, Fortis Insurance, Great Clips, the State of Minnesota, 3M, The United States Postal Service and numerous other Fortune 500 companies. He recently spoke to The Inner Circle and at the Million Dollar Roundtable (MDRT) convention in Las Vegas.
His keynotes, seminars and workshops help companies sell, market and communicate more effectively. His cutting edge research into the mind and keen understanding of consumer behavior create a unique distillation of information never before released to the public.
Kevin Hogan has become the go-to resource for analyzing key White House figures. Hogan teaches Persuasion and Influence at the University of St. Thomas Management Center and is a frequent media guest. Articles by and about him have recently appeared in Success!, Redbook, Office Pro, Selling Power, Cosmopolitan, and numerous other publications. He was recently featured in a half dozen magazines (including wProst) in Poland after teaching persuasion and influence skills to that country's 350 leading sales managers.