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Michael Hall - Secrets Of Personal Mastery (72.0 Kb eBook)
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Secrets of Personal Mastery (2000, Crown House Publishers, Paperback, 224 pages) by L. Michael Hall, Ph.D. enables you to access your executive levels and taking charge of your mental-emotional programming. In this way you can develop the higher frames of mind that will enable you to control your states, take effective action, access your personal genius, and be at your best. Secrets treats mind as an emergent process of our entire mind-body-emotion system. This leads to one of the secrets: it's not what we think that contro... More >>>
Michael Hall - "Secrets Of Personal Mastery" is electronically distributed. You can download it or order on DVD.
Publisher: PUA Media Library
Michael Hall Format: eBook
Delivery: Download
Secrets of Personal Mastery (2000, Crown House Publishers, Paperback, 224 pages) by L. Michael Hall, Ph.D. enables you to access your executive levels and taking charge of your mental-emotional programming. In this way you can develop the higher frames of mind that will enable you to control your states, take effective action, access your personal genius, and be at your best. Secrets treats mind as an emergent process of our entire mind-body-emotion system. This leads to one of the secrets: it's not what we think that controls our destiny and experiences, but how we think--our frames of mind. To achieve personal mastery, this book guides you through various 'Thought Experiments' that work with and upon your 'executive' mind powers. As you engage these processes, you enter into the higher management of your own mind at all its levels. And that prepares you for the ultimate development of excellence--accessing your personal genius. Ready for a journey? Ready to explore the higher structures that organize and govern the very basis of your life? Good. Secrets of Personal Mastery takes you through a course that accesses and allows you to re-structure your
- mind and emotions
- self-sabotaging frames
- innate genius for personal and interpersonal development
- passion for the excellence of expertise
- languaging for empowering semantic states
- mind-muscle connection for greater congruency