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Michael Hall - Brain 101 How To Play The Brain Game For Fun And Profit (67.0 Kb eBook)

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Michael Hall's Articles Collection. Brain 101: How to Play the Brain Game for Fun and ProfitL. Michael Hall, Ph.D. The Brain Game How Do We Run Our Own Brain? So you want to run your own brain? Good for you. What a wonderful objective! And so rare. Many people talk about running their own brain and taking charge of their own mind, but just watch them when criticized or insulted. They go to pieces. Let one of their closely held beliefs be questioned, and watch out. Sudden it becomes semantic reaction time. They explode with r... More >>>
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   NLP
Author:      Michael Hall
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
Michael Hall's Articles Collection. Brain 101: How to Play the Brain Game for Fun and ProfitL. Michael Hall, Ph.D. The Brain Game How Do We Run Our Own Brain? So you want to run your own brain? Good for you. What a wonderful objective! And so rare. Many people talk about running their own brain and taking charge of their own mind, but just watch them when criticized or insulted. They go to pieces. Let one of their closely held beliefs be questioned, and watch out. Sudden it becomes semantic reaction time. They explode with rage, anger, stress, fear, shock, etc. If they truly "run their own brains," how is it that they lack state management skills in the moments when managing one's reactions really counts? Running our own brain, and thinking freely in independent ways apart from rehashing worn-out or spoon fed thoughts necessitates several things. It necessitates that we develop mindfulness about our brains (or more accurately, our minds) so that we actually develop state management skills.