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Sean Stephenson - Interview (135.0 Kb eBook)

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Sean Stephenson Interview: Sean Stephenson attended a David DeAngelo Seminar earlier this year and you couldn't help but notice him. Not only was he conspicuous because he is 3 feet tall and in a wheelchair, but he sprinkled the seminar with many outrageous (and often hilarious) comments that demonstrated a very strong self image for someone of his diminutive stature. I only met him briefly while there, but I did manage to get his email address and put him on the subscription list. When his DYD interview came out, Sean ema... More >>>
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   Celebrities Interviews
Author:      Sean Stephenson
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
Sean Stephenson Interview: Sean Stephenson attended a David DeAngelo Seminar earlier this year and you couldn't help but notice him. Not only was he conspicuous because he is 3 feet tall and in a wheelchair, but he sprinkled the seminar with many outrageous (and often hilarious) comments that demonstrated a very strong self image for someone of his diminutive stature. I only met him briefly while there, but I did manage to get his email address and put him on the subscription list. When his DYD interview came out, Sean emailed me to ask my opinion of it. While I really liked it, I did feel that it could have gone into more detail about his experiences, especially in relation to his obviously challenging situation to create an appeal with women. - Clifford

About Author:

Sean Stephenson could be the most inspiring man I've ever met. Despite being born with a physical condition that has confined him to a wheelchair, Sean possesses one of the most optimistic and engaging attitudes ever. What's more, women love this guy. Sean's life work surrounds helping men, women and even kids get over whatever they believe is holding them back in life. If you enjoy dwelling in the shadow of your doubts, don't listen to this program. On the other hand, if you are all about doing away with self-doubt, this audio is sure to inspire you to kick every obstacle in your imagination out of your way for good. Sean literally blows them away before your very eyes...all the while weaving his extraordinary message within the context of vastly improving one's skills with women. From there, it's up to you to take the gift he graciously imparts and run with it.

Sean has appeared in dozens of media outlets including Oprah, CNN, The Discovery Health Channel, WGN, CBS News, The New York Times and The Jimmy Kimmel show.

His life story has inspired millions of people around the world, including Tony Robbins (whom he has shared the speaking stage with) and President Bill Clinton.