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Chris Nosal - The Alpha Blueprint The Alpha Male Decoded (1.7 MB eBook, $29.86 FREE)

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Forget EVERYTHING You Know About Attracting Women... The Rules Have Just CHANGED! Discover The Fresh And Exciting NEW Secret To Having An Extraordinary Life Filled With More Drop Dead Gorgeous Women Than You Can Handle... WITHOUT The Effort And Hard Work! You'll Be Shocked At How QUICKLY And EASILY This Extraordinary Blueprint Works To Literally Explode Your Success With Women FAST! WARNING: Do NOT even approach another woman until you have read this Special Report. In the following page you're going to discover the secrets ... More >>>
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   Alpha Male
Author:      Chris Nosal
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
Forget EVERYTHING You Know About Attracting Women... The Rules Have Just CHANGED! Discover The Fresh And Exciting NEW Secret To Having An Extraordinary Life Filled With More Drop Dead Gorgeous Women Than You Can Handle... WITHOUT The Effort And Hard Work! You'll Be Shocked At How QUICKLY And EASILY This Extraordinary Blueprint Works To Literally Explode Your Success With Women FAST! WARNING: Do NOT even approach another woman until you have read this Special Report. In the following page you're going to discover the secrets to having the same kind of easy "hands-free" success with women that you've always dreamed of... And you DON'T have to waste months "learning" to do it! No waiting MONTHS for results... You'll discover my PROVEN secrets for naturally attracting ANY woman using nothing but your own seductive and confident alpha personality!... and since your personality is already there, you will master this stuff in under one week -- no more FAKE lines or MONTHS of FORCED approaches fearing rejection ever again. No spending WEEKS wondering "what might have existed" because you let your emotions "get to you" and let an amazing opportunity slip right through your fingers (You'll discover how to FEEL totally confident and successful with almost every woman you come in contact with). No approaching women HOPING they'll like you... you'll never be left approaching a woman AFRAID and 'wondering' if she's going to "fall for" your approach, hoping you look confident in her eyes -- instead, you'll have REAL natural 'gut level' confidence that draws women to you naturally.

No spending weeks FIGHTING those 'voices' in your head that always control of your body every time you THINK about approaching a woman... you're going to get my PROVEN technique that will make silence those voices FOREVER - like a true natural - so you'll NEVER be afraid to approach a woman ever again! If you've been struggling to succeed with women, I want you to know that you can transform your personality and create amazing success with women.. practically overnight... and the best part is you don't have to spend a ridiculous amount of time and effort trying to be successful and then try to hide the fact you're using "routines" on her.

I want you to know...

You will transform your fear into confidence.

You will transform your struggles into success.

You will have complete confidence with women.

... and while I could sit here and tell you how I effortlessly approach every woman I meet and dominate every situation I'm in with total control of my emotions, my body and my life... I'd rather show you how you can create this same amazing and effortless success with women in your own life -- today! You deserve success quickly and easily -- and you shouldn't have to settle for anything less.

You're Going To Discover How To...

* Skyrocket your success with women overnight.

* Make attracting women into easy and effortless child's play.

* Explode your confidence and make yourself bulletproof.

* Be a real alpha male (who can DESTROY a "pick up artist" in seconds)

* Spend less time learning "theory" and more time having fun and succeeding with women.

* Have the power to attract any woman you desire on sight.

* Attract the women when YOU chose on your terms.

Attracting Women Has NEVER Been This SIMPLE And EASY. And Here's WHY. Have you ever tried using "pick up techniques" or "dating advice"?... I did -- for OVER two years. And during that time I learned something very important...

Sure, you might have had some success using that stuff... Everyone does! But no doubt you've also noticed the reality of these using "techniques"... they're painfully slow-going and unnaturally force you to FIGHT the with pain, fear and frustration that constantly tries to hold you back... but at the same time you know you'll never be happy until you get what you need... so you're forced like a prisoner to keep approaching women to even if it's making you completely miserable. Simply put, you're STILL scared of women ... which is probably the craziest thing in the world. ... and the worst part is that the so-called "experts" you learned from tell you it's normal to be scared -- it's not. And here's why (and this is something I bet nobody has ever told you)... It's not the woman you're scared of -- it's your own emotions being pumped through your own body.

The Secret To Having Natural Success With Women. Have you ever met a guy who was naturally good with women? If you have, I guarantee you there's one thing he has that you don't... and that's complete control of his emotions. There's also a good chance that he doesn't fight to approach a woman -- he just walks right up to her, starts talking and BAM she's attracted -- all that easy. I mean sure, anyone can be a "pick up artist"... but guy who's naturally good with women is a totally different animal... a man like this is a man who has complete confidence whenever he approaches any woman. He doesn't feel insecure, worried and fearful when he decides to attract a woman... so why do we? Why are we so deathly afraid to approach women?... why is it that every time we try to approach a woman.. we have to fight that controlling fear in the pit of our gut and pray we don't screw up?

About Author:

I got ahold of Chris Nosal, also known as Captain Blue, the creator of Bad Guys over AOL Instant Messenger. He's quite an interesting guy, so I thought I'd present an interview with him, for you guys. He liked the idea, so here it is, your interview with the creator of Bad Guys.

LogoPresents: Hey chris, how's it going man?

Christ Nosal: It's going just fine Mr. LogoPresents, who is my good friend.

L: Hahaha...dude, you're going to make people think I'm faking this thing, you giving me compliments like that. :) Anyway, I'd like to ask you some questions so people can get to know you a bit more.

C: Haha, we can change that first one if you want.

L: Nah man, it's all good, don't worry about it.
L: Anyway, ready for some questions?

C: Yes, yes I am.

L: Alright man, good to hear it. First one, when did you start using flash?

C: I think it was 2000 or '01. I remember it was Freshman year of college.

L: Was this the first time you have used your artistic side? Or were you already an artist?

C: Well, as far as animating, I had been making animated gifs about a year before that. I'd drawn a lot before then, really badly. Mostly stickmen.

L: I remember seeing your stick animation with pirates. That was a very long, and good animation. How do you maintain focus on your longer animations? Do you ever get tired of it?

C: I was really sick of working on that one. I worked on it over a span of about 3 months, and there probably a whole month or more in the middle when I didn't do anything.

When I animate, I feel like I have ADD. I just want to get up and walk around and do anything but animate. That's why there's not a lot of animation in what I do now. It's the only way I get shit done.

L: I feel very much the same way, sometimes it's hard to put down what's in your head, onto the screen.

What has inspired your animations? Namely the "Bad Guys" series?

C: Well, a lot of times I just write down anything funny that pops into my head at any given time and just tuck it away. And eventually I see if any of these things fit together and try to work a story around them.

Like, today I was sitting in my car listening to some NIN and a lyric made me think of something funny, and I jotted it down on a brown paper bag. And I think I've got a spot for it in the next Bad Guys episode.

L: Speaking of the next Bad Guys episode, any spoilers for us?

C: I'm thinking the next one is going to have a Sci-Fi theme.

L: Sounds interesting. I'm sure it'll have that classic Bad Guys touch, that'll make it absolutely hilarious.

While we're still talking about animating...what was your favorite thing to animate?

C: I think it was the first Bad Guys episode. Everything about that episode felt really effortless.

L: But it sure did explode onto the NewGrounds scene. It was...or maybe even still is in the top 50 forever. You have a loyal following behind you. How does that affect you?

C: It surprised the hell out of me. I half expected the first episode to get blammed. And at that point I hadn't even planned on making any sequels. It's awesome though. It's always nice to be appreciated.

L: Any notable fan experiences?

C: I had a guy email me once asking permission for him and his friends to perform Down At Juice Bar for a school project. I told him to get me video if he could, but I haven't heard back.

Also, my friend's brother tells me Bad Guys is taking over Oakland University (where I went to college) like a plague. People quoting me and whatnot.

L: Good god. So it extends beyond NewGrounds...amazing.

How long do you plan to continue Bad Guys? Do you plan to do any other type of animations? If so, have anything in mind?

C: I'll probably keep doing Bad Guys until I run out of ideas. It's just my general humor outlet.

As for other animations, I'm trying to work on one now that's based on a short story I wrote a couple years ago. It's a bit more serious, but it has it's funny moments.

L: Seeing something serious from you would be quite odd...though I'm sure it'll be great none-the-less.

OK, I'll try to wrap this up, I'm sure you've got things to do. I'll ask some quick-answer questions.

What music do you like? Bands? What's playing now?

C: Lately I've been listening to some Beck, NIN, Ben Folds, The Flaming Lips, Sigur Ros (amazing band from Iceland), Tom Waits, Radiohead...

L: Right on. What have you been watching? Favorite movies? Notable things you've seen come across NewGrounds?

C: One of the best movies I've seen recently was Serenity. I just got Season 3 of Home Movies on DVD, I've been meaning to watch that. That's a great show.

L: Home Movies is a good one, a very unique, Dr. Katz style of humor. I can see the relation between Bad Guys and Home Movies.

Boxers or briefs?

C: Boxers.

L: Favorite food?

C: I've been answering "pizza" to that question since I was like 6, and I see no reason to stop now.

Cheese fries at Outback are pretty damn good too though.

L: Hahaha. Alright, 2 last things.

1) Your favorite saying

2) A saying that represents you

C: Shit, I don't know.

My grandpa used to say "See you in the future, if not in the pasture." I always liked that.

I'm not sure what represents me. Probably something like, "hey that guy is weird."

L: Hahaha. Alright man, thanks for your time. I wish you the best of luck in your future animations. Any last words while you have the chance?

C: Uhh...pineapple, hubcap, pillow....shit that joke was lame.

L: Yeah it was :D

C: Well, that's what I'm here for.

L: Lol, for sure...Ok man, thanks again.

C: Yep.