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Thundercat Books 

The Art Of Approaching 2nd Edition by Thundercat
The most important part of dating and seduction has to do with being able to meet the kind of women you want. The problem is, most guys can't do that! They may get tongue-tied, don't know what to say, or just simply freeze up -- paralized with fear!The good news is that now there is a book that can... >>More<<
The Ultimate Secret To Getting Good With Women by Thundercat
I wrote this article for Cliff's List, but it seems Cliff continues to have trouble with his e-mail, so I don't know if the newsletter ever got out. Anyway, I was planning on reposting it here afterwards but since it seems most people didn't get the newsletter I guess it really doesn't matter.... >>More<<
Seduction Lair by Thundercat
Hey, welcome to Thundercat's Seduction Lair! I will talk about my experiences, thoughts, and ideas about my love life. Over time, my site has grown into a "hub" of the seduction community, made famous by the book "The Game" by Neil Strauss (in which this site is prominently featured). This ebook... >>More<<
The Art Of Approaching 1st Edition by Thundercat
The most important part of dating and seduction has to do with being able to meet the kind of women you want. The problem is, most guys can't do that! They may get tongue-tied, don't know what to say, or just simply freeze up -- paralized with fear!The good news is that now there is a book that can... >>More<<
Seduction Lair Articles by Thundercat
Articles From Thundercat's Seduction Lair PUA Site. My handle is "Thundercat," I'm 27 years old, living in beautiful sunny Hollywood California where the only thing hotter than the weather, are the women who live here. Currently, I run my own business, and most of my time is spent selling my ebook... >>More<<
Thundercats 5th Fith Archetype Mystery Interview by Thundercat
This was a very special interview for me to do. See, Mystery changed my life, in more ways than one. Before I took his workshop, I was a completely different man than I am today. Unconfident, unsure, and even scared. That used to be me. And though shades of the old do flash back into existence from... >>More<<
Swinggcat Interview by Thundercat
In November of 2003, Swinggcat surprised the seduction community with the release of his book "Real World Seduction." Famous in the Hypnosis/NLP community, respected by some of the best pick-up artists world wide, but relatively unknown to the general populous, Swinggcat quickly joined the ranks of... >>More<<
Mystery Interview The Fifth Archetype by Thundercat
Thundercat's Seduction Lair Premium Article N1 -- The Fifth Archetype, An Interview With World-Renown Pick-Up Artist Mystery. THE FIFTH ARCHETYPE An Interview with World-Renowned Ladies Man Mystery >>More<<
In10se Interview by Thundercat
enigmatic or controversial than IN10SE (pronounced Intense). Yet, for all the buzz surrounding him, IN10SE remains below the radar of most people's research. His posts are among the most popular and respected, not only on Moderated Alt.Seduction.Fast, but also on the super-elite Mystery's Lounge.... >>More<<