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Thundercat - The Ultimate Secret To Getting Good With Women (111.0 Kb eBook)

Cover of Thundercat's Book The Ultimate Secret To Getting Good With Women
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I wrote this article for Cliff's List, but it seems Cliff continues to have trouble with his e-mail, so I don't know if the newsletter ever got out. Anyway, I was planning on reposting it here afterwards but since it seems most people didn't get the newsletter I guess it really doesn't matter. This was probably the hardest article I've ever written because it deals with a lot of personal stuff. Hope you guys get something from it so its not all a waste of time. =)
Thundercat - "The Ultimate Secret To Getting Good With Women" is electronically distributed. You can download it or order on DVD.
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   Pickup Masters
Author:      Thundercat
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
Real Name: Joseph Matthews
Affiliation: Thundercat's Seduction Lair

Thundercat is a pickup artist well known in the seduction for his popular website, Thundercat's Seduction Lair, where every year he posts a list of the top 10 pick up artists. Thundercat (aka Joseph Matthews) runs the controversial blog Thundercat's Seduction Lair.

Thundercat is a long time community member. He started the Thundercat Seduction Lair in 2004, posting news, interviews and information on the community. The blog has become a central source of information for the industry and it was also mentioned in The Game by Neil Strauss.

Then Thundercat's PUA ranking came out, and I was number one. I could no longer claim to be a student. Neil Strauss was officially dead. In the eyes of these men, I was Style, the king of the unnaturals. All over the world people were using my jokes, my comebacks, my lines, my words? - Strauss, Neil. The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists. 1st ed. 2005. p.214.

Thundercat launched a product called "Pure Personality", based on the concept that because he was overweight, he had to learn game in a way that over powers any limitations in looks. As such, his game expertise was developed around the idea of developing a very strong personality and effectively conveying this personality in the shortest amount of time possible.

Having been exalted to a position of great influence within the Seduction Community, Joseph Matthews is well known for his prolific and consistent production of practical advice for men who want to improve their skills with women. Perhaps the most fascinating talent that Joseph brings to the table is his ability to effectively impart the nuts and bolts of pickup and seduction with a disarming candidness towards genuinely valuable material vs. mere "snake oil". True to form, Joseph joins me ahead of the re-release of his top-notch Renegade Rapport program for a double-barreled discussion of unprecedented depth on creating rapport and what to do with it once established. Build rapport with women before even meeting them? Are you kidding me? Rest assured...he's not kidding you. What's next, x-ray vision?

Thundercat Quotes

The shocking truth is - when it comes to attracting beautiful women, what you look like plays an extremely small role in whether or not that girl is going to be attracted to you!

I wrote this article for Cliff's List, but it seems Cliff continues to have trouble with his e-mail, so I don't know if the newsletter ever got out. Anyway, I was planning on reposting it here afterwards but since it seems most people didn't get the newsletter I guess it really doesn't matter. This was probably the hardest article I've ever written because it deals with a lot of personal stuff. Hope you guys get something from it so its not all a waste of time. =)