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Nightingale Conant - Success Strategies For Unlimited Selling Power (105.0 Kb eBook)

Cover of Nightingale Conant's Book Success Strategies For Unlimited Selling Power
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Welcome to Success Strategies for Unlimited Selling Power! In these pages, you'll find out how the latest breakthroughs in psycholinguistics, cognitive psychology, hypnosis and neurolinguistic programming can dramatically benefit your career as a sales professional. You'll learn to speak to customers in a way that is truly mesmerizing and unforgettable. You'll gain the ability to prepare sales presentations that are powerfully effective with any individual or group.You'll master sales scripting techniques that will close mor... More >>>
Nightingale Conant - "Success Strategies For Unlimited Selling Power" is electronically distributed. You can download it or order on DVD.
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   Success
Author:      Nightingale Conant
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
Welcome to Success Strategies for Unlimited Selling Power! In these pages, you'll find out how the latest breakthroughs in psycholinguistics, cognitive psychology, hypnosis and neurolinguistic programming can dramatically benefit your career as a sales professional. You'll learn to speak to customers in a way that is truly mesmerizing and unforgettable. You'll gain the ability to prepare sales presentations that are powerfully effective with any individual or group.

You'll master sales scripting techniques that will close more sales, with less effort, than you ever thought possible. All you need is a pencil or pen, a surprisingly short amount of time, and a commitment to becoming the best salesperson you can possibly be. If you're ready, let's get started! - Nightingale Conant