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Amargi Hillier - Mind Power Seduction (443.0 Kb eBook, $26.00 FREE)

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The techniques and instructions that you are about to learn in this book will change your life forever! The idea that you have the power within you to change your reality is not a far fetched concept. People have be doing it for eons. Some non mainstream religions preach this, and even some species of animals are able to manipulate their reality (but that is a whole other story). So why haven't you learned or heard about these techniques before? Well, there are a whole slew of possible reasons why this type of knowledge has ... More >>>
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   Psychology
Author:      Amargi Hillier
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
The techniques and instructions that you are about to learn in this book will change your life forever! The idea that you have the power within you to change your reality is not a far fetched concept. People have be doing it for eons. Some non mainstream religions preach this, and even some species of animals are able to manipulate their reality (but that is a whole other story). So why haven't you learned or heard about these techniques before? Well, there are a whole slew of possible reasons why this type of knowledge has slipped from your hands (and you could probably come up with some of your own).

Some reasons might involve "conspiracy" type suppression (i.e. government, educational institutions), money sucking courses & lectures, techniques shrouded in advanced eastern religions, not the right books in the library/bookstores, info offered in obscure occult publications, or any other possibilities. Much of the mind power information out there is not that effective, in my opinion. My job is to filter all the different forms of mind power usage into one totally effective, totally easy-to-understand book of knowledge that will be your key to unlocking YOUR hidden magical potential.


About Author:

Amargi Hillier is a leading expert, coacher in psychology techniques knows as Mind Power Sedection (aka MPS).

Mind Power Sedection (also referred to as brainwashing, coercive persuasion, and thought reform) refers to a broad range of psychological tactics thought to subvert an individual's control of his or her own thinking, behavior, emotions, or decision making. Brainwashing and mind control theories originally developed to explain how totalitarian regimes were thought to indoctrinate prisoners of war through propaganda and torture techniques. These theories were later adopted and expanded to explain a wider range of phenomena especially conversions to new religious movements (NRMs). Since their application to NRMs mind control theories have been especially controversial within scientific and legal contexts and currently most social scientists agree with the stances taken by the American Psychological Association and American Sociological Association which have found no scientific merit in them.

In mind power seduction, there is what is called people refer to as the inner vision, which is a technique done using some chosen visualization techniques to attract the woman you want. Basically, the thoughts of a person have an extraordinary ability of controlling the surroundings whether it may be physically or emotionally. For example, if you are seeing something in your mind's eye like an imagination or visualization, you can start doing it in a repetitive manner. In time, your actions will start to manifest by giving you the ability of manipulating the people surrounding you. However, one crucial thing to remember in doing any of these techniques is to make sure that your mind is calm and ready to undergo all the manipulating and controlling. With all these techniques present, finding companionship and love is definitely not just a dream.

Amargi Hillier is author of bestselling book "Mind Power Sedection" what describe how to use of the mind's inherent powers to generate attraction between people. Unknown to most people, the human mind consists of both the conscious and subconscious mind. At any point in time, it is said that a human being uses no more than ten percent of his total mental capacity. Mind power seduction techniques stem from utilizing the forgotten ninety percent of the human mind, often referred to as the subconscious mind. Mastering the technique of mind power seduction involves utilizing different methods to align this part of your mind towards your success.