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Carol Mccluer - The Five Biggest Mistakes Women Make About Love (42.0 Kb eBook)

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learned from the philosophy, Aesthetic Realism, that our biggest purpose in life is to like the world through knowing it. Whether we are on the phone with a friend, listening to music, talking to our mother, or with a man, our deepest hope is to care more for the world through seeing meaning in it. We make our biggest mistakes about love because we use a man to be against the rest of the world instead of using him to know and like it more.My gratitude for learning this is huge! After years of feeling I would never understand... More >>>
Carol Mccluer - "The Five Biggest Mistakes Women Make About Love" is electronically distributed. You can download it or order on DVD.
learned from the philosophy, Aesthetic Realism, that our biggest purpose in life is to like the world through knowing it. Whether we are on the phone with a friend, listening to music, talking to our mother, or with a man, our deepest hope is to care more for the world through seeing meaning in it. We make our biggest mistakes about love because we use a man to be against the rest of the world instead of using him to know and like it more.
My gratitude for learning this is huge! After years of feeling I would never understand why I had so much pain as to love, I now have a passionate love for the man who became my husband, and a feeling of self-respect I didn't think was possible.
Aesthetic Realism is a great, wide education, true about the human mind and all reality. Eli Siegel, American poet and critic, and founder of Aesthetic Realism, is in my opinion the most important educator ever to live. He understood the central cause of pain in people's lives--the desire in every person to have contempt, which he defined as "the lessening of what is not oneself as a means of self-increase as one sees it."