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Shawn Nelson Books 

How Nice Shy And Good Guys Finish First by Shawn Nelson
There's a misconception that nice, shy and good guys finish last! I'm here to tell you it is far from the truth. While a lot of nice guys experience a life of being overlooked by the women they desire (which is usually because of their shyness), it's just a phase they go through to appreciate... >>More<<
The Untrained Men Guide by Shawn Nelson
I can't tell you how many times I've watched women cry as a result of the way their men treated them. I knew instinctively, which men women should stay away from. Of course no one ever listened to me until it was too late. Then I stumbled upon information written over 100-years ago. I began to read... >>More<<
The Dating Resource Report by Shawn Nelson
The Dating Resource Report, small articles and essay collections from most popular dating authors and sites, compiled by Shawn Nelson, MSA >>More<<