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Sri Swami Sivananda - Practical Lessons In Yoga (465.0 Kb eBook, $26.10 FREE)

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The present book has been specially designed by the author keeping in mind the needs of the students of Yoga in Europe and America, who need a practical but non-technical presentation of the subject in a language which is accessible to the beginner in the path. It is hoped that the book will amply serve this most sacred purpose in view. This book entitled "Practical Lessons in Yoga" consists of twelve easy and interesting Lessons. The First Lesson deals with Yoga and Its Objects, The Second Lesson treats of Yoga, Sadhana or ... More >>>
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   Yoga
Author:      Sri Sivananda
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
The present book has been specially designed by the author keeping in mind the needs of the students of Yoga in Europe and America, who need a practical but non-technical presentation of the subject in a language which is accessible to the beginner in the path. It is hoped that the book will amply serve this most sacred purpose in view. This book entitled "Practical Lessons in Yoga" consists of twelve easy and interesting Lessons. The First Lesson deals with Yoga and Its Objects, The Second Lesson treats of Yoga, Sadhana or the practice of Yoga and contains a clear and lucid description of the four important, paths viz, Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga and Jnana Yoga, One can easily choose for himself a path according to his particular taste, temperament and capacity by a close study of this Lesson, I firmly hold that no one wishing to become a perfect Yogi can realise his wish, if he does not begin his Yogic practices with Karma Yoga or doing actions for actions' sake, without the idea of agency and without expectation of the fruits of his actions, I have also made passing references to the various other forms of Yoga such as Hatha Yoga, Mantra Yoga and Kundalini Yoga.

Sri Swami Sivananda , born on the 8th September, 1887, in the illustrious family of Sage Appayya Dikshita and several other renowned saints and savants, Sri swami Sivananda had a natural flair for a life devoted to the study and practice of Vedanta. He was an inborn eagerness to serve all and an innate feeling of unity with all mankind. He is the author of over 300 volumes and has disciples all over the world, belonging to all nationalities, religions and creeds. To read his works is to drink at the Fountain of Wisdom Supreme. On 14th July, 163 he entered Mahasamadhi.