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Keanu Jagger - Situational Opener Technology (550.0 Kb eBook, $26.44 FREE)

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This is EBOOK "Sexual Rapport Modeling. Situational Opener Technology" by Keanu Jagger. What Sexual Rapport Modeling does is look beyond the normal surface social dynamics in human interaction. For example, you've probably heard all kinds of contradictory advice on how to interact with women. There's the sloppy school of thought to "just be yourself," which tells you nothing. Then you have a whole market of books on "flirting" but they don't explain the psychological principles behind how flirting works.You have simplistic s... More >>>
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   Openers And Routines
Author:      Keanu Jagger
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
This is EBOOK "Sexual Rapport Modeling. Situational Opener Technology" by Keanu Jagger. What Sexual Rapport Modeling does is look beyond the normal surface social dynamics in human interaction. For example, you've probably heard all kinds of contradictory advice on how to interact with women. There's the sloppy school of thought to "just be yourself," which tells you nothing. Then you have a whole market of books on "flirting" but they don't explain the psychological principles behind how flirting works.

You have simplistic sociobiology models that explain men are after young women with wide hips and women are after successful men with good paying jobs... even though we all know financially successful men who have trouble meeting women while another guy living in their Mom's basement has no trouble getting girlfriends. You have the traditional dating model that explains men should beg and buy their way into a woman's favor.

So you have all these very primitive models and none of them go beyond surface level, basic observations. All of these models are theories that try to describe the world but do so poorly and imperfectly. None of these models are going to show you how to be a happy, healthy individual with lots of women friends. In fact, given how important communication is in today's world, little research has been done into how to move people into sexual rapport. Today we have new breakthroughs and technologies in almost every scientific field, but there's been little progress recently in the field of human development and the way in which we change our behaviors. You can't find a single school or classroom for advice, training, or education in this area for getting sexual rapport with others. - Keanu Jagger