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Keanu Jagger - Nonverbal Sexual Cuing (897.0 Kb eBook, $27.68 FREE)

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This is EBOOK part of Keanu Jagger - Nonverbal Sexual Cuing Audio Series. Nonverbal Sexual Cuing, in a nutshell, is about using non-verbal communication to create attraction in women on a very instinctual, primal level.Hello everyone, I'm Keanu Jagger and welcome to my Nonverbal Sexual Cuing audio series. To start with let's go over exactly what Sexual Rapport Modeling is. Sexual Rapport Modeling is all about how to effectively communicate with other human beings. Think about it, you cannot not communicate. No matter what yo... More >>>
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   Body Language
Author:      Keanu Jagger
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
This is EBOOK part of Keanu Jagger - Nonverbal Sexual Cuing Audio Series. Nonverbal Sexual Cuing, in a nutshell, is about using non-verbal communication to create attraction in women on a very instinctual, primal level.

Hello everyone, I'm Keanu Jagger and welcome to my Nonverbal Sexual Cuing audio series. To start with let's go over exactly what Sexual Rapport Modeling is. Sexual Rapport Modeling is all about how to effectively communicate with other human beings. Think about it, you cannot not communicate. No matter what you do, or don't do, you're expressing an emotional state to other people through nonverbal signals. Even if you simply sit on the floor without twitching a single muscle with a slack expression on your face you're still announcing to the world, "Don't approach me," "Don't bother me."

And when you think about it, everything you've achieved in your life hinged on your ability to communicate effectively. How much money you make, how your family treats you, the quality of your friends, and the quality of the women in your life are all a direct consequence of your communication skills. You've literally created all of these things and relationships by speaking and acting them into being. You could say we literally communicate our lives into being what they are - or what they are not. Just look at the highest paid people in the world... they're all good communicators. Oprah Winfrey. Bill Gates. Warren Buffett. Highly paid professionals like lawyers, talk show hosts, CEOS, rock stars... they all make their living as professional communicators of ideas, communicators of feelings, and communicators of action.

You could read this ebook and slowly put bits and pieces of the puzzle together, but that would be like trying to piece together the Titanic from the bottom of the ocean floor. You'd almost wish someone would just hand you an instruction sheet where you could follow steps A through E and reliably lean how to expand your social possibilities beyond what you thought possible with consistent results. Well, Sexual Rapport Modeling is just that. Because I don't give you just a theory, but I give you a series of carefully planned exercises I've put together over the past number of years that WILL change your life. - Keanu Jagger