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John Grinder - Turtles All The Way Down (2.0 MB eBook, $30.62 FREE)

Cover of John Grinder's Book Turtles All The Way Down
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Rich with humor and metaphors from other cultures and disciplines, Turtles develops the characteristics common to the geniuses whose patterning formed the initial body of NLP techniques. You will learn how these skills are readily available for cultivating your own personal genius in a way that is respectful of the power of the unconscious. This book is the documentary, with added notes and stories, of Grinder/Delozier's five day seminar called "Prerequisites To Personal Genius". John Grinder and Judith Delozier get their pa... More >>>
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   NLP
Author:      John Grinder
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
Rich with humor and metaphors from other cultures and disciplines, Turtles develops the characteristics common to the geniuses whose patterning formed the initial body of NLP techniques. You will learn how these skills are readily available for cultivating your own personal genius in a way that is respectful of the power of the unconscious. This book is the documentary, with added notes and stories, of Grinder/Delozier's five day seminar called "Prerequisites To Personal Genius". John Grinder and Judith Delozier get their participants to think about the structure of thinking how our thought patterns become our beliefs about reality. The limitations of those thought patterns can be overcome, however, when a person is able to expand his/her perceptual filters and model "geniuses" - this is the process which has been shown in the lives of people such as Einstein, Milton Erickson, and Gregory Bateson. Throughout the book, the authors challenge you to reexamine the structures of your "mind" and the ways that all parts can be integrated in an internal dance.

About Author:

John Grinder is the co-founder of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) with Dr. Richard Bandler. He is a graduate in psychology from the University of San Francisco. He served in the US military and also the US intelligence agency. John Grinder later acquired a Ph D in Linguistics from the University of California in San Diego in the late 1960s.

John Grinder distinguished in the field of linguistics; especially in the area of syntax. He was later appointed as a professor of linguistics in the newly founded University of California in Santa Cruz. He has many books to his credit and some of his exception work can be seen in books like On Deletion Phenomena in English (1972) and Guide to Transformational Grammar (1973) among various other articles.

Grinder went on to develop a new field called the Neuro Linguistic Programming along with Richard Bandler, who was then a student of psychology. It all started when Bandler invited Grinder to participate in his therapy groups. Grinder was enthralled by the ways in which the therapists used their linguistic patterns to give effective results on their patients.

John Grinder has authored 14 books on complex subjects ranging from transformational grammar, family therapy and his creation of Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

NLP belongs to John Grinder, maybe not in the literal sense. If you studied the patterns of NLP which were originally developed in the 70's you will recognize the wisdom of John Grinder flows throughout the early work. John's work is documented in well over 1000 other educational books on subject matter ranging from specialist NLP matters, psychology, sales, negotiation, management, parenting and accelerated learning. Dr Grinder's work is also the subject matter of well over 1000 NLP public seminars each year, training people over 20,000 people each year around the globe hosted by specialist NLP Trainers. The majority of quality business seminars will now include aspects of John Grinder's work, which equates to figure of tens of thousands of people learning implicitly from the genius of John Grinder. That figure is growing every year.

This lead John Grinder along with Richard Bandler to come up with a model called as Neuro Linguistic Programming. This was derived from the theory of transformational grammar and the language patterns used by effective therapists like Fritz Perls, Virginia Satir and Hypnotherapist Milton H. Erickson.

The model of NLP was further developed using various books published by these therapists which became a foundation of Neuro Linguistic Programming. John Grinder has co-founded many other books on NLP and its techniques and applications.

People all over the world have greatly benefited from the NLP techniques in improving self-confidence which has lead them to successful personal and professional achievements. The NLP model came as a boon to many people who lacked certain qualities that are required to make it big in this competitive world.

John Grinder has devoted his life's work towards his quest to uncover and present human patterns of excellence, modelled from geniuses in different fields. He created Neuro-Linguistic Programming with Richard Bandler, as a means to investigate and replicate extreme human excellence. It is these applications of NLP which are taught at the highest level of Corporate Excellence trainings worldwide and to world leaders whether implicitly or explicitly. With his partner Carmen, John is continually exploring new territories and continually updates his work, introducing new models of excellence and vastly updated models of his and Bandlers early work.

John Grinder along with Richard Bandler has created a relatively unique technique to make your mind work into positive things and achieve what's best for you. NLP teaches you techniques on self-improvisation and also helps you gauge the personality of people around you. It's important that one has his thoughts, feelings, words and behavior in perfect coordination to give out the required results.

Once your thoughts, words and actions are in alignment you'll be in a better position to get your message across to your audience in an effective way and most importantly in the way you intended it to be.

The NLP Academy is the only company in the UK where even the most advanced Master Practitioner, NLP Trainer or Corporate Leader will learn directly from John's genius. Still today John's books form the core and foundations of any NLP Practitioner training. With the NLP Academy you will fully experience the depth of John's teachings, the breadth of his knowledge and infectious personal charisma, whether as part of the training sessions or over coffee in the breaks. John's latest teachings will significantly refine your original NLP experience and will ensure his students stay ahead in their field.

Between 1982-1987, strongly influenced by anthropologist and systems theorist Gregory Bateson, who had a strong focus on ecology as a psychological construct, Grinder and Judith DeLozier collaborated to develop the New Code of NLP. Grinder and Bateson had met during their affiliation with Kresge College at the University of California, Santa Cruz during the 1970s. Grinder and Delozier presented an aesthetic framework for the "classic code" of NLP that explicates the involvement of ecology and the unconscious mind in change work. Ecology in NLP is about respecting the integrity of the system as a whole when assessing a change to that system; the 'system' in this case is a person's model of the world and the consequences of that model in the person's environment. Practically speaking, this consideration entails asking questions like "What are the intended effects of this change? What other effects might this change have, and are those effects desirable? Is this change still a good idea?" The seminars were transcribed and published in 1987, Turtles All the Way Down; Prerequisites to Personal Genius.

The New Code of NLP has been further developed by John Grinder and Carmen Bostic St Clair who founded Quantum Leap Inc.; a cultural change consultancy firm. Currently John and Carmen present some public seminars on NLP internationally. In 2001, Grinder (with Bostic St Clair) published Whispering in the Wind with set of recommendations as to how specifically NLP can improve its practice and take its rightful place as a scientifically based endeavor with its precise focus on modeling of the extremes of human behavior: excellence and the high performers who actually do it. Grinder has since strongly encouraged the field to make a recommitment to what he considers the core activity of NLP, modeling.