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John Clippinger - Leadership (371.0 Kb eBook)

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Leadership among Greek warriors was based upon "a first among equals" principle. Such leadership was a product of a culture of equality and mutual accountability. In a very tangible sense, cultures are networks of social relationships. Military cultures, especially in battlefield situations, have highly articulated roles and codes of conduct and mutual accountability. Although an individual may gain prominence and status apart from a group, it is often not the result of individual achievement, but how the individualexemplifi... More >>>
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   Leadership
Author:      John Clippinger
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
Leadership among Greek warriors was based upon "a first among equals" principle. Such leadership was a product of a culture of equality and mutual accountability. In a very tangible sense, cultures are networks of social relationships. Military cultures, especially in battlefield situations, have highly articulated roles and codes of conduct and mutual accountability. Although an individual may gain prominence and status apart from a group, it is often not the result of individual achievement, but how the individual

exemplifies certain traits that represent the best traits of that group, such as sacrifice, decisiveness, courage, initiative, and prowess.