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Major Mark Cunningham - An Introduction To Stage Hypnosis Compact Edition (54.0 Kb eBook)

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Stage hypnosis is hypnosis, or a show purporting to be hypnosis, performed in front of an audience for the purposes of entertainment, usually in a theatre or club. Expert opinion is divided over whether participants' responses are best explained as being due to an altered state of consciousness (hypnotic trance) or by a combination of deliberate deception and ordinary social psychological factors such as disorientation, compliance, peer pressure, and ordinary suggestion. A modern stage hypnosis performance regularly delivers... More >>>
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   Hypnosis
Author:      Major Cunningham
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
Stage hypnosis is hypnosis, or a show purporting to be hypnosis, performed in front of an audience for the purposes of entertainment, usually in a theatre or club. Expert opinion is divided over whether participants' responses are best explained as being due to an altered state of consciousness (hypnotic trance) or by a combination of deliberate deception and ordinary social psychological factors such as disorientation, compliance, peer pressure, and ordinary suggestion. A modern stage hypnosis performance regularly delivers a comedic performance rather than a demonstration to impress an audience with powers of persuasion - effects of amnesia, mood altering and hallucination are demonstrated in a normal performance. Stage hypnosis performances often get audience members to further look into the benefits of mind powers.

About Author:

Aka: Mark Cunningham

A former military officer who claimed thirty-seven kills to his name and had a fetish for hypnotized slave girls, Major Mark was a short, pudgy middle-aged man who wore short-sleeved Hawaiian shirts said ?mmm-kay a lot. - Strauss, Neil. The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists. The Lost Chapter.

Journalist, editor, publisher, author, record producer, composer, arranger, multi-instrumentalist, event producer, television consultant, music industry oracle... just a few activities which have claimed the waking hours of one Mr. Mark Robert Cunningham. And occasionally they have proven successful.

After more than 10 years of misspent youth on the road and in recording studios as an apprentice rock star, Mark got respectable as the Media Manager of a large medical optical company. However, by 1994, he stopped writing about the delights of colonoscopies, in favour of waxing lyrical about knobs, faders and moving yokes.

Today, with a few notable books under his expanding belt, Mark has achieved international fame as the co-founder (with Andy Lenthall) of the definitive live event design and production magazine Total Production. (Well, he had to somehow justify all those offers of free tickets and backstage passes.)

The magazine was acquired by Mondiale Publishing in January 2001, during the middle of a particularly character building few years for Mark the ingredients of which included divorce and major brain surgery, though not necessarily in that order. Some readers might argue that he's much better for the experience!

Mark currently lives in, and operates TP's editorial office from, Southend-on-Sea in Essex. Hollywood beckons, but then so do the cockle sheds.