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Mary Wood Allen - What A Young Woman Ought To Know (514.0 Kb eBook)

Cover of Mary Wood Allen's Book What A Young Woman Ought To Know
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What a Young Woman Ought to Know' is characterized by purity of tone and delicacy of treatment."It is one which a mother can place with confidence in the hands of her daughter. Reverent knowledge is the surest safeguard of innocence, and it is every mother's duty to see that the young girl committed to her charge is duly forearmed by being forewarned of the dangers that lie around her."
Mary Wood Allen - "What A Young Woman Ought To Know" is electronically distributed. You can download it or order on DVD.
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   About Woman
Author:      Mary Allen
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
What a Young Woman Ought to Know' is characterized by purity of tone and delicacy of treatment.

"It is one which a mother can place with confidence in the hands of her daughter. Reverent knowledge is the surest safeguard of innocence, and it is every mother's duty to see that the young girl committed to her charge is duly forearmed by being forewarned of the dangers that lie around her."