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Henry Stanton - Sex (325.0 Kb eBook)

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The more we know of the facts of sex, the right and normal part sex activities play in life, and all that tends to abuse and degrade them, the better able we will be to make sex a factor for happiness in our own lives and that of our descendants. Mankind, for its own general good, must desire that reproduction--the real purpose of every sexual function--occur in such a way as to perpetuate its own best physical and mental qualities.
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   Sex
Author:      Henry Stanton
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
The more we know of the facts of sex, the right and normal part sex activities play in life, and all that tends to abuse and degrade them, the better able we will be to make sex a factor for happiness in our own lives and that of our descendants. Mankind, for its own general good, must desire that reproduction--the real purpose of every sexual function--occur in such a way as to perpetuate its own best physical and mental qualities.