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Sex Books 

The Sex God Method by Daniel Rose
Welcome to The Sex God Method. By purchasing this book, you've taken a huge step towards improving your sex life and relationships. The Sex God Method is a complete and comprehensive guide to sexual mastery. But, before reading it, there are a few things you should know. First, you are taking a... >>More<<
The G Spot Code.pdf by Gabrielle Moore
"Take The G-Spot Expedition, And In A Few Minutes Discover the Secrets to Inducing Mind-Blowing, Toe-Currrling, Endless Cascading Orgasms for Her Each Time You Have Sex As If On Command... Guaranteed!"* You Don't Want Any of the Pressure or Frustration, THIS Is What You Want to Happen...* You want... >>More<<
Female Ejaculation Mastery by Gabrielle Moore
Welcome to the Female Ejaculation Mastery. Now that we have divulged the secret of finding the female G-Spot, we encourage you to explore the excitement of Female Ejaculation held within these pages.Now, keep in mind that ejaculating via G-Spot stimulation is entirely up to you. You control the... >>More<<
The King Warrior Magician And Lover by Dr Paul
This is the most powerful story for romance, business, and social power you will ever read. It is a concept so easy to understand and practice in your everyday life that you will kick yourself for never realizing it. And this story must be read symbolically, looking for hidden meanings in order to... >>More<<
Female Orgasm Black Book Best Sex Positions by Lee Jenkins
There was a lot of work that went into putting this document together. I can't tell you how many countless hours are spent putting together this manual. That means that this information has value, and your friends, neighbors, and co-workers may want to share it.The man on top (missionary) position... >>More<<
Female Orgasm Black Book Oral Sex Secrets by Lee Jenkins
There was a lot of work that went into putting this document together. I can't tell you how many countless hours are spent putting together this manual. That means that this information has value, and your friends, neighbors, and co-workers may want to share it.These oral sex techniques are best... >>More<<
Secret Principles Of Pleasure A Lovers Manual Of Secrets by In10se
How would you like to get inside the mind of someone who knows the secrets to a woman's body... with an intricate knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of sex, with techniques that have been tried and perfected with repeatable results over and over again? How would you like to apply these secrets... >>More<<
Female Orgasm Black Book Advance Fingering Techniques by Lee Jenkins
There was a lot of work that went into putting this document together. I can't tell you how many countless hours are spent putting together this manual. That means that this information has value, and your friends, neighbors, and co-workers may want to share it.If your friends think this... >>More<<
How To Attract And Seduce Sexy Single Women With Your Eyes by Asf
Article describes how to attract women with your eyes. In conversation, look into the eyes of the woman you're talking with. Direct eye contact says, "I'm listening. I want to hear more." To show agreement and interest, occasionally raise and lower youreyebrows. When she's talking, listen with... >>More<<
Hypnotize Your Lover Deeper by Wendi Friesen
The complete guide to MASTER the art of hypnotic sedction STIMULATE your lover with erotic hypnosis scripts RELEASE sexual dysfunction Hypnotize Your Lover- deeper. The book that will teach you the art of hypnotic seduction, how to hypnotize your lover for erotic adventures, and overcome sexual... >>More<<
Get Your Send On A Guide To Effective Communication With The Opposite Sex by Dr Paul
This book based on Mind OS, the operating system of the human mind, copyright 1999, Paul Dobransky M.D. When life sucks, sometimes a guy just has to evolve. That's what I was thinking three to four years ago when I first discovered "Sending". I was in between girlfriends, having just had yet... >>More<<
Female Orgasm Black Book Quick Start Guide by Lee Jenkins
There was a lot of work that went into putting this document together. I can't tell you how many countless hours are spent putting together this manual. That means that this information has value, and your friends, neighbors, and co-workers may want to share it.When you decided on this manual,... >>More<<
The Sex Revolution Handbook by Daniel Rose
Welcome to the Sex Revolution Handbook. By purchasing this book, you've taken a huge step towards improving your sex life and relationships. The Handbook is a complete and comprehensive guide to sexual mastery. But, before reading it, there are a few things you should know. First, you are taking a... >>More<<
Secrets Of A Sex Magnet by Chris Jackson
I promise that if you follow this program, and are willing to have an open mind, you will easily meet the kind of women that you're looking for, and be able to get them into bed. There's one thing you must know beforehand. This book isn't going to do it for you. What I mean is... most guys buy a... >>More<<
Becoming A Master Of Oral Sex by Chris Jackson
I am asked constantly by men who write to me "How do I please a woman orally?" or "How can I get better at oral sex?" And after reading thousands of responses to my questioners from women of all walks of life, nationalities and ages I truly believe that in order to be great lover you must be... >>More<<
How To Be A Great Lover by Lou Paget
HOW I CAME TO TEACH THE SEXUALITY SEMINARS. "I can now throw out the message 'If you're too experienced or know too much--you're a slut.' I now see that couldn't be further from the truth. There is such power in owning one's sexuality and self" FEMALE SEMINAR ATTENDEE, WRITER~PRODUCER, AGE 39 >>More<<
The Male G Spot Mystery by Gabrielle Moore
The material in this book is for educational purposes and is intended to provide helpful guidance to lovers about human sexuality. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, dependable, up-to-date information. We believe what's presented here will be helpful and poses no risk to any healthy... >>More<<
Ultimate Ejaculation Mastery by Chris Jackson
The Ultimate Ecstatic Solution To Premature Ejaculation The Tantric Approach to Making Love For As Long As Your Partner Wants, While You Experience More Ecstasy Than You Ever Imagined Possible.I want to tell you a true story about a typical sexual encounter between me and the sexiest, most... >>More<<
The Complete Unlimited Lover by Bishop
This book is NOT based on statistics, surveys, or anonymous interviews. This book IS based on the, in the trenches, between the sheets, orgasmic experiences, of myself, some seduction masters, and many of the most sexually charged bisexual women I know. I have been called a "master" of seduction, a... >>More<<
Legendary Lover 2 Reality Engineering And Hypnosis by Damian Savieri
You must always practice safe sex. Besides AIDS, there is chlamydia, genital warts, gonorrhea, herpes, and unwanted pregnancy. If you're not practicing safe sex, please read other books or check the Internet for more information before proceeding with the techniques in this book. Taking care of... >>More<<
Studies In The Psychology Of Sex.pdf by Havelock Ellis
Havelock Ellis - Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volumes 1,2,3,4,5. This famous series was originally published in 7 volumes by F. A. Davis Company, medical publishers, and its sale restricted to doctors and lawyers. The origin of these "Studies in the Psychology of Sex" dates from many years... >>More<<
Legendary Lover 3 Sex Techniques by Damian Savieri
You must always practice safe sex. Besides AIDS, there is chlamydia, genital warts, gonorrhea, herpes, and unwanted pregnancy. If you're not practicing safe sex, please read other books or check the Internet for more information before proceeding with the techniques in this book. Taking care of... >>More<<
Sex And The Perfect Lover by Mabel Iam
This books helps clearly explain what some of the problems are (and how to fix them) when the two of you don't seem to have the same sex drive. This book will allow you to deepen your relationship with your lover and give you both a new source of energy. This is by far one of the best book I have... >>More<<
The Charismatic Lover Journey Wisdom And Meeting Women On Facebook by Adam Taste
Make a woman orgasm without even touching her. Make women fall in love with you naturally. Live Life Awesomely. Be The Charismatic Lover! If you look at today's popular dating literature you will generally find that men are put into two categories - the luckless losers and the soulless players.... >>More<<
Legendary Lover 1 Becoming A Legendary Lover by Damian Savieri
You must always practice safe sex. Besides AIDS, there is chlamydia, genital warts, gonorrhea, herpes, and unwanted pregnancy. If you're not practicing safe sex, please read other books or check the Internet for more information before proceeding with the techniques in this book. Taking care of... >>More<<
Understanding The Gspot And Female Sexuality by Donald Hicks
Understanding the G-SPOT and Female Sexuality A 10-Step Guide for Unleashing the Ultimate in Female Ecstasy by Donald L. Hicks. Do you long to help your lover experience the "Big O" she'll never forget? Are you ready to learn the truth about the G-Spot, Female Ejaculations, Blended Orgasms, and... >>More<<
40 Great Sex Tips by Anthony Berger
I found it hard to describe how to have sex (since it's a subject that can fill the Kama-Sutra and 1000 other books, so I decided to include these rules some one emailed me on what not to do during sex. Remember, it is about pleasing her, not just yourself. - Antony Berger >>More<<
How To Hypnotize Your Lover by Wayne Perkins
How To Hypnotize Your Lover To Awaken A Sleepy Relationship by Wayne F.Perkins, is not just a book. It is a complete system that allows you and your love partner to achieve successful hypnosis encounters. The hypnosis encounters are designed to awaken your mutual love relationship. The Perkins... >>More<<
Common Mistakes Men Make While Having Sex by Chris Jackson
Common Mistakes Men Make While Having Sex. This is a free ebook. You may give it away at your web site, offer it to your list, include it as a free bonus, include it with a package deal, offer it to other web sites, put it on a disk, give it to a friend ... distribute it any way you want.... >>More<<
Top 5 Marriage Sex Mistakes by Niovi Moore
Do you recall your first encounter? Do you remember the love and passion in the early days of your relationship? Do you remember how much you wanted to marry the love of your life?So, how can we explain that the majority of married couples that visit marriage counselors complaining about the lack... >>More<<
10 Rules Of Anal Sex by Jack Morin
Jack Morin, PhD, a San Francisco sex therapist and researcher, is the author of Anal Pleasure and Health.Anal Eroticism is surrounded by a powerful taboo. Yet millions of men and women - straight, gay and bisexual - are experimenting with anal sex. The anus, richly endowed with nerve endings and... >>More<<
The Art Of Sexy Dirty Talk.mp3 by David Shade
Why do women love badboys? Because they can talk dirty in the bedroom! Are you uncomfortable talking dirty to women in the bedroom? Do you worry that women will take it wrong? Are you uncomfortable being fully in control in the bedroom? Many men are uncomfortable, and they are missing out on giving... >>More<<
Fanny Hill Memoirs Of A Woman Of Pleasure by John Cleland
Written while Cleland was in debtor's prison, Fanny Hill is considered the first 'erotic' novel in English. >>More<<
Woman Her Sex And Love Life by William Robinson
In the first chapter of this book I have shown, I believe convincingly, why sex knowledge is even more important for women than it is for men. I have examined carefully the books that have been written for girls and women, and I know that it is not bias, nor carping criticism, but strict honesty... >>More<<
Complete Maupassant Original Short Stories by Guy De Maupassant
180 short stories. Guy De Maupassant wrote some of the most twisted and freaky short stories of his day. >>More<<
Women As Sex Vendors Or Why Women Are Conservative by Mary Marcy
We have often heard discussions of the reason we do not find women, as a sex, in the vanguard of world affairs why the great educators, strong figures in progressive or revolutionary movements, are men rather than women why these movements, themselves, are made up almost entirely of men... >>More<<
A Preliminary Study Of The Emotion Of Love Between The Sexes by Sanford Bell
"The emotion of love between the sexes has as yet received no thorough scientific treatment. No writer so far as I can find has treated it from a genetic standpoint. The literature upon the subject is therefore meager. In his recent treatise upon "The Psychology of the Emotions, " Ribot remarks:... >>More<<
Sex With Chicks And Eliciting Values by Alphahot1
Alphahot1 newsgroup: posts archive. alphahot1 aka Luk Skywalker 31 year pickup artist from Roma, Italy. >>More<<
Sex The Unknown Quantity by Ali Nomad
We feel justified in claiming this work marks an epoch in the advanced thought of human evolution. Nothing has ever been written dealing with the problem of Sex which is at once so illuminating, convincing and satisfying. To our knowledge this particular view of the sex-subject has never before... >>More<<
Masterful Lover Foundations by David Shade
David Shade's manual is another one of the products I bought early on in my seduction career. The book is touted as "top level field tested advanced sexual techniques to give women incredible pleasure". DavidShadesManualThe Masterful Lover Manual (as it's called now - I have an older version of the... >>More<<
The Palace Of Pleasure by William Painter
The present edition follows page for page and line for line the privately printed and very limited edition made by Joseph Haslewood in 1813. >>More<<
Sex And Society Studies In The Social Psychology Of Sex by William Isaac Thomas
This book consists of republished essays and its reissue in book form is fully justified by the thread of connection which runs through the whole in the idea that many features of human society are to be explained by a fundamental difference in the constitution of men and women, a difference of... >>More<<
The Sex Side Of Life An Explanation For Young People by Mary Dennett
In reading several dozen books on sex matters for the young with a view to selecting the best for my own children, I found none that I was willing to put into their hands, without first guarding them against what I considered very misleading and harmful impressions, which they would otherwise be... >>More<<
Encyclopedia Of Sex And Gender Men And Women In The World Cultures by Carol Ember
The central aim of this encyclopedia is to give the reader a comparative perspective on issues involving conceptions of gender, gender differences, gender roles, relationships between the genders, and sexuality. We do this in two ways. First, we have invited scholars to write comparative overviews... >>More<<
Sex by Henry Stanton
The more we know of the facts of sex, the right and normal part sex activities play in life, and all that tends to abuse and degrade them, the better able we will be to make sex a factor for happiness in our own lives and that of our descendants. Mankind, for its own general good, must desire that... >>More<<
Three Contributions To The Theory Of Sex by Sigmund Freud
Although the author is fully aware of the gaps and obscurities contained in this small volume, he has, nevertheless, resisted a temptation to add to it the results obtained from the investigations of the last five years, fearing that thus its unified ... >>More<<
The Pleasures Of Ignorance by Robert Lynd
It is impossible to take a walk in the country with an average townsman--especially, perhaps, in April or May--without being amazed at the vast continent of his ignorance. It is impossible to take a walk in the country oneself without being amazed at the vast continent of one's own ignorance.... >>More<<
Double Your Dating Sex Secrets by David Deangelo
Sex Secrets is Double Your Dating Series eBook by David deAngelo. Sex Secrets gives refreshing insight on the issue of sex from a woman's perspective delving into details on ways to turn a woman on, build anticipation and enhance stimulation for women. It also gives some interesting ideas on... >>More<<
Hints For Lovers by Arnold Haultain
"Hints for Lovers" is a thorough analysis of relationships between men and women, about everything that lovers should know, and delves deep into the psychology of men and women, and the philosophy of courtship, engagement, kissing, making love, marriage, etc, in a light-hearted tone, with... >>More<<
The Ten Pleasures Of Marriage by Marsh
The Restoration brought back to England something more than a king and the theatre. It renewed in English life the robust vitality of humour which had been repressed under the Commonwealth--though, in spite of repression, there were, even among the Puritan divines, men like the author of... >>More<<
Lover Or Friend by Rosa Nouchette Carey
Rosa Nouchette Carey (1840-1909) was a British author. As a child she entertained her siblings with improvised tales, wrote plays and poetry and started a magazine. Her first published novel was Nellie's Memories (1868). She wrote around 40 domestic melodramas. Her fictional themes tend to revolve... >>More<<
Sex And Common Sense by Maude Royden
Of all the problems which the alert and curious mind of modern man is considering, none occupies him more than that of the relations of the sexes. This is natural. It touches us all and we have made rather a mess of it! We want to know why, and we want to do better. We resent being the sport of... >>More<<
The Pleasures Of A Single Life by Edward Ward
The Pleasures of a Single Life, or, the Miseries of Matrimony. Occasionally Writ Upon the many Divorces lately granted by Parliament. With the Choice, or, the Pleasures of a Country-Life, Dedicated to the Beaus against the next Vacation. >>More<<
The Intermediate Sex by Edward Carpenter
The subject dealt with in this book is one of great, and one may say growing, importance. Whether it is that the present period is one of large increase in the numbers of men and women of an intermediate or mixed temperament, or whether it merely is that it is a period in which more than usual... >>More<<
Youth And Sex Dangers And Safeguards For Girls And Boys by Arthur Sibly
Probably the most important years in anyone's life are those eight or ten preceding the twenty-first birthday. During these years _Heredity_, one of the two great developmental factors, bears its crop, and the seeds sown before birth and during childhood come to maturity. During these years also... >>More<<
Sane Sex Life And Sane Sex Living by Hw Long
Sane sex life and sane sex living : some things that all sane people ought to know about sex nature and sex functioning its place in the economy of life, its proper training and righteous exercise. Also, a study of how to cultivate and practice the art of love, and how to master the science of... >>More<<
Selected Writings Of Guy De Maupassant by Guy De Maupassant
It is not exact to say that the lofty genius of De Maupassant was that of an absolutely sane man. We comprehend it to-day, and, on re-reading him, we find traces everywhere of his final malady. But it is exact to say that this wounded genius was, by a singular circumstance, the genius of a robust... >>More<<
Interview With Dr Robert Glover by Adam Gilad
Adam Gilad is an eclectic, inveterate creator, writer, Emmy-nominated Producer, traveler, scholar, teacher, student and life-enthusiast.In recent years, Adam has founded The Fearless Lover, Inc., an evolving suite of online and seminar enterprises which aim to guide men and women into their inner... >>More<<
Sex Education A Series Of Lectures by Maurice Alpheus Bigelow
Sex-education in its largest sense includes all scientific, ethical, social, and religious instruction and influence which directly and indirectly may help young people prepare to solve for themselves the problems of sex that inevitably come in some form into the life of every normal human... >>More<<
The Works Of Guy De Maupassant Vol I by Guy De Maupassant
Guy de Maupassant (1850--1893), after serving in the Franco-Prussian War, became close friends with Flaubert and his circle. He wrote hundreds of short stories as well as novels and verse. In his later years, he suffered from mental illness, and he died in an asylum.Richard Howard, a poet,... >>More<<
The Works Of Guy De Maupassant Vol V by Guy De Maupassant
Guy de Maupassant (1850--1893), after serving in the Franco-Prussian War, became close friends with Flaubert and his circle. He wrote hundreds of short stories as well as novels and verse. In his later years, he suffered from mental illness, and he died in an asylum.Richard Howard, a poet,... >>More<<
The Works Of Guy De Maupassant Vol Iii by Guy De Maupassant
Guy de Maupassant (1850--1893), after serving in the Franco-Prussian War, became close friends with Flaubert and his circle. He wrote hundreds of short stories as well as novels and verse. In his later years, he suffered from mental illness, and he died in an asylum.Richard Howard, a poet,... >>More<<
Dynamic Sex Life by Gunwitch
Gunwitch, author of the 'Dynamic Sex Life' eBook, is a popular figure in the seduction community. He has a blunt honesty and straight-talking style that most often cuts to the chase. It is a book about getting the sex life you want i.e. it is a book of the methods to get the girls you want in the... >>More<<
Learn How To Make Your Ejaculate Shoot by Calle Zorro
Once you have finished reading this eBook, you will know everything you need to know to make your ejaculate shoot. According to sexologist research, it is estimated that 90% to 95% of all men dribble their semen when they orgasm. You however, are about to become one of the few who can do an... >>More<<
Sex In Education Or A Fair Chance For Girls by Edward Clarke
Great plainness of speech will be observed throughout this essay. The nature of the subject it discusses, the general misapprehension both of the strong and weak points in the physiology of the woman question, and the ignorance displayed by many, of what the co-education of the sexes really means,... >>More<<
Gunwitch Method 2004 Dynamic Sex Life by Gunwitch
Another edition of Gunwitch 'Dynamic Sex Life' eBook. Are you ready for a great sex life with the hottest women around? Do you want to get it without having to achieve great looks, money, fame or status? Do you want to use REAL psychological principles to influence women rather than self help "pop... >>More<<
Interview How To Give A Woman Intense Physical Pleasure by David Shade
I just finished up a fascinating interview with a gentleman named David Shade, a sexual "guru" who teaches men and women how to have better sex. In his words... his specialty is "teaching guys how to take a woman's pleasure beyond anything she's ever imagined possible... and open up her up to... >>More<<
Masterful Lover Newsletter Being Personally Powerful by David Shade
David Shade's MASTERFUL LOVER Newsletter. In this issue Feature Story: Being Personally Powerful. It Doesn't Come From Women It Gets Women To Come To You.David Shade has been a featured speaker at sexuality and relationship conferences, has been on numerous radio shows including Playboy... >>More<<