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Dr Peter Davies - Big Picture Of Health (124.0 Kb eBook)

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Peter Davies works as a GP in Mixenden, a poor area in Halifax, West Yorkshire,UK. He graduated from Leeds University ( in 1989. He has worked in both hospital and general practice settings. He is endlessly fascinated by the ways in which patients and doctors conspire to get poor results when it would be just as easy to conspire together to get good results. He uses NLP/NS techniques to help explore this fascination further. He gained his NLP practitioner certificate in December 2001 and should complete his ... More >>>
Dr Peter Davies - "Big Picture Of Health" is electronically distributed. You can download it or order on DVD.
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   Psychology
Author:      Dr Davies
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
Peter Davies works as a GP in Mixenden, a poor area in Halifax, West Yorkshire,UK. He graduated from Leeds University ( in 1989. He has worked in both hospital and general practice settings. He is endlessly fascinated by the ways in which patients and doctors conspire to get poor results when it would be just as easy to conspire together to get good results. He uses NLP/NS techniques to help explore this fascination further. He gained his NLP practitioner certificate in December 2001 and should complete his master practitioner certificate in July 2002.