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Rah - How To Seduce Others With The Hidden Power Of Your Mind (141.0 Kb eBook, $24.26 FREE)

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This article explains the little?known method for seducing another person using only the power of your mind. Providing you follow the steps clearly and with patience, these techniques will open you up to a hidden world around you and give you a peek at just how easily the mind can influence others. As human adults, we are already well versed in the experience of mind manifestation. When worded like that ? 'mind manifestation' ? it may conjure up in your awareness thoughts of 'bizarre,' occult,' 'magic,' 'paranormal,' etc ... More >>>
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   Psychology
Author:      Rah
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
This article explains the little?known method for seducing another person using only the power of your mind. Providing you follow the steps clearly and with patience, these techniques will open you up to a hidden world around you and give you a peek at just how easily the mind can influence others. As human adults, we are already well versed in the experience of mind manifestation. When worded like that ? 'mind manifestation' ? it may conjure up in your awareness thoughts of 'bizarre,' occult,' 'magic,' 'paranormal,' etc the mind being able to physically manifest something directly by human thought. But when you look around you in your everyday life, you will see countless examples of a human's ability to manifest 'stuff' from thought.

All human made things around you first began in the thoughts of a person, or a group of people. Imagination plays a key role. The idea/concept is first birthed in the mind. Then the idea is discussed, either with oneself or with others more mental work being done to paint a final manifested picture in the mind(s). Then the idea is lead into aspects of physical processes which kick start the manifestation process. If the idea is for the invention of a new device, blueprint diagrams would near the start of the physical process from which manifestation will continue to birth. Development of the physical processes have also begun. Then the device would eventually go into production, using machine or human labor to bring that original mind?birthed idea into full manifestation in the physical world. Even how you arrange your furniture is an example of thought?to?manifestation, whereby your plans/ideas are first created in the mind then you do the physical process (like pushing the couch) to completely manifest your intended re?decorating idea (thought). We are already well versed in the concept of thought manifestation or 'mind manifestation'. We are already well skilled at it.

Looking at the physical things around you are not examples of obvious or redundant things. They are all examples of mind/thought manifestation. When you begin to view your mental abilities in this light, you will begin to realize that you are well advanced in mind power already. On a subconscious level, your mind is a highly advanced machine: Just to name a stores information, processes data, allows you to communicate with your spoken language, and also maintains regulation of all your bodily functions (advanced systems in themselves) without your conscious mind needing to do the work.