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Ali Nomad - Sex The Unknown Quantity (905.0 Kb eBook)

Cover of Ali Nomad's Book Sex The Unknown Quantity
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We feel justified in claiming this work marks an epoch in the advanced thought of human evolution. Nothing has ever been written dealing with the problem of Sex which is at once so illuminating, convincing and satisfying. To our knowledge this particular view of the sex-subject has never before been presented, and, perhaps it could not have been, owing to the fact that it is only now in these days of higher thought, that such a view could be understood.
Ali Nomad - "Sex The Unknown Quantity" is electronically distributed. You can download it or order on DVD.
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   Sex
Author:      Ali Nomad
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
We feel justified in claiming this work marks an epoch in the advanced thought of human evolution. Nothing has ever been written dealing with the problem of Sex which is at once so illuminating, convincing and satisfying. To our knowledge this particular view of the sex-subject has never before been presented, and, perhaps it could not have been, owing to the fact that it is only now in these days of higher thought, that such a view could be understood.