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Larry Mclauchlin - Advanced Language Patterns Mastery (624.0 Kb eBook, $26.74 FREE)

Cover of Larry Mclauchlin's Book Advanced Language Patterns Mastery
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My purpose of putting together the material for this workshop is to provide, in one source, the majority of the hypnotic and NLP language patterns that have been codified to date. I have presupposed that the majority of the people using this manual will have some basic training and therefore have not attempted to duplicate what others have so ably provided already in the NLP literature. Those who do not have this background will still find the powerful ideas and techniques included here extremely useful although it will requ... More >>>
Larry Mclauchlin - "Advanced Language Patterns Mastery" is electronically distributed. You can download it or order on DVD.
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   NLP
Author:      Larry Mclauchlin
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
My purpose of putting together the material for this workshop is to provide, in one source, the majority of the hypnotic and NLP language patterns that have been codified to date. I have presupposed that the majority of the people using this manual will have some basic training and therefore have not attempted to duplicate what others have so ably provided already in the NLP literature. Those who do not have this background will still find the powerful ideas and techniques included here extremely useful although it will require some personal reading and self study or NLP training to take full advantage of it.

I have not developed new patterns here, but rather I have collected together the existing patterns and provided my interpretation and examples of how these patterns can be used. I have done so in a way that will allow participants of my workshops and users of this workbook to enhance their professional and communication skills. As I state in the introduction, "One of the surest and quickest ways to improve your professional and communication skill is to increase your knowledge and skill in the use of language and language patterns." It has worked for me and many others and I know it will work for you. Good luck and enjoy your journey on the way to greater skills in the use of language. - Larry McLauchlin, Calgary, Alberta, Canada May 1993