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Ron Louis - Secrets Of Seduction (155.0 Kb eBook, $24.36 FREE)

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Ron Luis is dating coach and author of the best-selling How to Succeed with Women (Prentice Hall Press, 1998), and the creator of The Mastery Program: Your Step-by-Step Course in Meeting, Flirting with, Dating and Seducing the Women of Your Dreams.Ron Luis have been featured in magazines such as Cosmopolitan, Playboy, YM, Maxim, GQ UK, Swank, Gallery, and Players. He have also been on the Rosanne Barr Show, the Issac Hays show, To Tell the Truth, Fox News, CNN, UPN, and ABC.
Ron Louis - "Secrets Of Seduction" is electronically distributed. You can download it or order on DVD.
Let's face it, dating sucks. It sucks to be rejected by hot and busty babes, and it sucks to be alone. It sucks to be so nervous around a woman that you babble incoherently and it is even worse to act like a stud and have her slap you in front of your buddies. To make matters worse, masturbation can get awfully unsatisfying after a while, even with the best porn flick or sex toy. So what is the solution? Get out date, deal with the inevitable rejections, have fun, and learn about the machinery in your own head that leads to trouble and failure with women. When it comes to dating, most men are intimidated by myths, misconceptions, and their denial of their power as men. But understanding the myths and the solutions will leave you free to flirt with and date women, and more importantly to create the sex life you have always wanted.
We've listed a few dating myths below that will begin to shed light on your most common dating troubles. So wake up, smell the coffee, pay attention, and you just may learn something. Because even if you act like a know-it-all, we know the truth: You don't. You have bought into some of these myths and they have caused you trouble somewhere.
Ron Luis is dating coach and author of the best-selling How to Succeed with Women (Prentice Hall Press, 1998), and the creator of The Mastery Program: Your Step-by-Step Course in Meeting, Flirting with, Dating and Seducing the Women of Your Dreams.
Ron Luis have been featured in magazines such as Cosmopolitan, Playboy, YM, Maxim, GQ UK, Swank, Gallery, and Players. He have also been on the Rosanne Barr Show, the Issac Hays show, To Tell the Truth, Fox News, CNN, UPN, and ABC.