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Joseph Plazo - Magnetic Attraction (339.0 Kb eBook, $25.50 FREE)

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Stop for a minute... and search your heart. What is it that frightens you the most? Ghosts? Demons? Or maybe... it is simply being alone in the world... isolated... with not a soul caring whether you existed. As you think about it now, maybe the one fear everyone nurtures deep down is that of lonesome isolation. Since birth, each person seeks out companionship. As children we sought the approval of parents. As teens, we fought for a place amongst friends. Then as adults, we struggle to find that special soulmate with whom we... More >>>
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   Art Of Attraction
Author:      Joseph Plazo
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
Stop for a minute... and search your heart. What is it that frightens you the most? Ghosts? Demons? Or maybe... it is simply being alone in the world... isolated... with not a soul caring whether you existed. As you think about it now, maybe the one fear everyone nurtures deep down is that of lonesome isolation. Since birth, each person seeks out companionship. As children we sought the approval of parents. As teens, we fought for a place amongst friends. Then as adults, we struggle to find that special soulmate with whom we would forge the rest of our lives with. Man, indeed, is the ultimate social animal. He draws inner strength from the well-spring of his circle of friends. Friends fuel the drive to endure the rigors of life. With friends, man finds solace, sympathy, and love.

While casual friends satisfy the basic psychological requirement for companionship, there is one need that a regular friend cannot satisfy: the need for intimate affection. At critical points in our lives, we suddenly find ourselves yearning for special companionship--one that friends cannot fill, but only lovers can. The sudden rise of numerous industries promising instant fixes to romantic frustrations naturally allow us to conclude that there are hundreds of millions of lonely individuals out there. Turn on your TV set or flip through your newspapers. Observe countless ads for self-help seminars promoting "seduction strategies." Take note of the sudden proliferation of "magic pheromone perfumes" that claim to sensually arouse nearby sniffers. Then of course, browse through the thousands of romance how-to manuals parading on bookshelves. For millions of the lovelorn, the need for affection grew to a national obsession. That desire now drives industries raking in millions.

What makes this book any different? Step into a popular seminar room where a love-guru enthralls his students with masterful techniques of seduction. Yes, you will learn, in fact, you will absorb so much knowledge that before you know it, you'll be fighting off scores of love-crazed individuals from your door. Such skill comes with a price, of course. Expect your wallet to be several inches and hundreds of dollars thinner . Alternatively, you can go the economical route and invest in a few national best sellers costing $15 a pop. Browsing through the hundred or so pages of this standard romance fare will typically leave you dissatisfied. Most of what you learn are theory and with little real-world illustration. Theory appeals as enticingly as dishwater. You want tried and tested techniques. You want results. You want to embrace someone dear, not in the next decade, but right now. So you finally shelve those books and sigh in melancholy. - Joseph Plazo

About Author:

Joseph Plazo is an architecture graduate with a passion for people. He accomplished his Master of Business Administration from UP in 2002 and Ph.D from BSU in 2005. He is also an EC-Council Certified E-Business Associate and a practitioner of Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP).

Since the onset of the millennium, Joseph conducted intense soft-skills workshops for companies, schools and individuals. Many were pro-bono. He authored five self-help books and hundreds of internet-published articles. Spare time is not down-time: Joseph reads, airsofts and creates radionic devices on the side.

Joseph has one goal: to touch countless souls... and Make Life Magic