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Scott Peck - Dating And Falling In Love (271.0 Kb eBook, $25.12 FREE)

Cover of Scott Peck's Book Dating And Falling In Love
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This eBook is a heart-to-heart conversation with Scott & Shannon Peck. It is a transcript of 1 of 12 love subjects on their 8-hour audio tape course, All the Love You could Ever Want!SCOTT: Welcome to all the love you could ever want! Our subject is Dating and Falling in Love. We're going to discuss the different stages that take place in dating and falling in love. The first stage is: preparing to meet the lovemate of your dreams. Shannon, what are your thoughts on the biggest problems people have, even before they meet a l... More >>>
Scott Peck - "Dating And Falling In Love" is electronically distributed. You can download it or order on DVD.
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   Dating Woman
Author:      Scott Peck
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
This eBook is a heart-to-heart conversation with Scott & Shannon Peck. It is a transcript of 1 of 12 love subjects on their 8-hour audio tape course, All the Love You could Ever Want!

SCOTT: Welcome to all the love you could ever want! Our subject is Dating and Falling in Love. We're going to discuss the different stages that take place in dating and falling in love. The first stage is: preparing to meet the lovemate of your dreams. Shannon, what are your thoughts on the biggest problems people have, even before they meet a lovemate?

SHANNON: I think one of the biggest mistakes is starting from a sense of desperation. And we're all familiar with that inner dialogue. It says, "I'm running out of time, and I'm not getting any younger. I've got to find the lovemate of my dreams and soon!"