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Derren Brown Books 

Mind Reading Tricks Volume 1 by Derren Brown
The effects I'm revealing in this book are some of the strongest in all of mental magic. All of these effects can be successfully performed by a complete beginner almost immediately. Please, do yourself justice though, read through the book several times and practice by speaking out loud. If you do... >>More<<
Mentalism Tricks by Derren Brown
The effects I'm revealing in this book and some of the strongest in all of mental magic. All of these effects can be successfully performed by a complete beginner almost immediately. Please, do yourself justice though, read through the book several times and practice by speaking out loud. If you do... >>More<<
Subliminal Force by Derren Brown
The Effect below is really the fusion of 2 separate tricks, both deliver very impressive responses and can be performed individually in a variety of different ways. The Verbal Forcing Technique is similar to the method used by Derren Brown & is explained in his video "The Devils Own Picture Book."... >>More<<