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Anthony Berger - Chick Managament Mba (123.0 Kb eBook)

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Despite the depiction of women as hoes, the inventor of this phrase, Mfon "Fu-Manchu" Jones used that expression because it is short and gimmicky. "Never sweat a lady" is what he meant, but it doesn't sound right. Never sweat a ho, on the other hand... In simple terms, it means: Don't over care for any woman. Don't over do anything emotional. Don't tell them you love them every hour, don't call them three times a day. Don't treat them nice the whole goddamn time. Why? ... Read More in book - Sincerely Yours, Antony Berger
Anthony Berger - "Chick Managament Mba" is electronically distributed. You can download it or order on DVD.
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   Play Games
Author:      Anthony Berger
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
Anthony Berger has been teaching seduction to young men for the last 4 years, has made numerous highly controversial TV, Radio and magazine appearances. Past students praise him, women despise him.

Despite the depiction of women as hoes, the inventor of this phrase, Mfon "Fu-Manchu" Jones used that expression because it is short and gimmicky. "Never sweat a lady" is what he meant, but it doesn't sound right. Never sweat a ho, on the other hand... In simple terms, it means: Don't over care for any woman. Don't over do anything emotional. Don't tell them you love them every hour, don't call them three times a day. Don't treat them nice the whole goddamn time. Why? ... Read More in book - Sincerely Yours, Antony Berger